☆36/'He Doesn't Deserve You.'☆

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Annie's POV-
We walked up to the door of Liam's apartment, Luke was in front while I hid behind him. Liam can be scary when he gets angry especially when Luke is being over protective.

Luke knocked on the door as we waited anxiously. We heard the locks unlock on the door as it slowly opened.

"Annie?" He said as his eyes darted towards Luke.
"What's he doing here?"
"Can I come in?" I asked, he stepped away letting me come in.
"You're not coming in." He put his hand on Lukes chest.
"Liam, please let him." I pleaded.
"No, it's fine, I'll wait in the car."
"Are you sure? I thought you didn't want me to be alone."
"Your not alone, I'll be in the car waiting." Luke swung the car keys around his finger.
"Have a good evening prof." Luke yelled as he went down the corridor.

"So, why have you and your bodyguard come here?" Liam shut the door and rested against it.
"He told me what you said."
"He's a liar." He spat.
"Don't speak about him like that."
"Why? He has put our relationship on the line, he's a liar and you believe him."
"Why shouldn't I believe him?"

By this point I was sat on his sofa.

"He is jealous of us, he is jealous of me."
"He's not jealous of anyone, you just don't like him."
He huffed.
"I hate him."
"That's why you would say this, to scare him off." It was all coming together in my head.
"Annie, you've got to see that I'm the good guy here."
"That's why you were asking questions the other day, to see if he liked me."
"Annie, listen to what your saying."
"I am, and it's over Liam." I said as I stormed out the apartment fast as I could, without hearing him say anything.

I opened the car door and jumped in. Luke lifted his head.

"We're over." I broke down into tears. Luke put his hand over mine.
"Oh Annie." He leant over to me and threw his arm around me allowing him to cry into his neck.
"We need to forget about him." He patted my shoulder.
"But I really liked him."
"I know you did. But, he doesn't deserve you Annie." Luke intertwined our fingers as he rubbed the top of my hand.
"I just want to go home." I sniffled. I looked on my phone and saw I had I text, from Jack. I opened it. 'I'm closer than ever' this freaked me out but I was too upset to care. I put my phone down and just put my head on the side of the window.

Roommates - Luke's LA Girl #Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang