☆7/'Of Course You Need Petrol!'☆

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Annie's POV-
So far college has been going great, I've been seeing Paige around a lot and we have become very friendly, she also told me about somethings that her and beau do like- Woah stop your self there Annie. Anyway, I've made another friend called Emma and we have became really close. It's 4 weeks in and today we finished college earlier and now me and Luke are at home.

"What are you doing?" He said as he was throwing his water bottle up and down.
"Finishing my work from today, I'm nearly finished though." I was copying Emma notes from today's class that I didn't pay attention, a new college is really hard to stay awake in.

My blue pen was starting to run out as I was getting to the end of the sentence.
"Done." I so as throwing my pen down like I was in a race.
"Do you want to go to beau's today?"
"I'll drive you, it's only like a half an hour drive." I agreed as I got my fashion kimono and draped in over my clothes.

"So do you like my car?" He asked looking proud of what was sat there in front of him. His small black car was actually quite clean but it definitely looked like something that Luke would drive to its death.
"It's not my cup of tea but it's cool."
"Cup of what? Must be a British expression, get in the car then." He opened the door still confused by my British words.

"Do you go to beaus often?" I asked. We were driving literally in the middle of no where listening to the radio which was like the kind of station your nan would listen to in her retirement home.
"Not really." The orange and pinks were visible in the sky as the sun began to set. The sun was shining in Lukes eyes making his eyes squint every time the sun hits them.

Luke's POV-
The engine began to make strange noises as the car slowed down. It was now near to pitch black and the headlights on the car were faint. The car stopped like on a film when you hear 20 different over reacted noises before the car breaks down.

"What's happening?" She leaned over and checked the screen by the steering wheel.
"Your out of petrol." 
"We need need petrol?"
"Of course you need petrol!" She got out of the car and walked around trying to get service on her phone.

"Get back in the car, Annie." I yelled.
Even though it was like 1973892 degrees earlier, tonight was really cold. I saw her petite figure walk back to the car and she sat in the car with an angry look of her face.
"It's no use, this place is rubbish for service."

"Since we're stuck here, tell me more about yourself and not what your name is, I mean weird facts about yourself."

"I really like spaghetti Bolognese and I get goosebumps if anyone touches me because it shocks me because I'm a sensitive person. My favourite film is the notebook and my pizza topping is ham and pineapple, your turn."
"I'm not telling you, you'll have to find out." I mocked.

She slid down into her chair and wrapped her arms around her chest.
"Are you cold?" I took my black hoodie off and placed it into her frozen hands.
"Thanks." She put it on and the hoodie was way too big for her but she looked cute in it.

"When will we be able to go?"
"In the morning when the road starts to get busy, get some sleep." I placed my hand on her knee as she gasped.
"See. I'm sensitive."
"Your freezing." She moved to the side and hugged my shoulder.
"We need to share body heat. It will keep me from freezing and keep you more warm.

And from that moment, Annie fell asleep resting on my shoulder and for some reason, I didn't move all night.

Sorry for short part and late update, my parts keep messing up.

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