『Dance With Me - Sugawara Koushi』

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"C'mon, (Y/N)! You gotta get into it!"

You were currently playing Just Dance with your adorable boyfriend Sugawara in his living room, and he was beating you by a landslide at the game. To be frank, dancing was not your thing. Your sense of rhythm could be better and overall, your moves sucked. Even with the guided dancing from the game, you still just couldn't get the choreography down. On the other hand, Suga was surprisingly great at dancing, as you'd found out from this session of Just Dance. He was able to stick all the gold moves, and get perfect on almost every move, earning him four to five stars at the end every time.

Right now, you wouldn't be playing Just Dance if it weren't for Sugawara. You were out shopping for new games with him and stumbled upon a copy of the newest Just Dance. Holding it up to you with his eyes shining, Sugawara pleaded silently that you would play the game with him.

"I'll pay for it! Can we get it and play? Pleeease?" He asked you with a toothy grin.

You tried to resist his charm, but failed. 'He's. Too. Cute!' In the end, you succumbed to a happy Sugawara's will which led you to the situation you were in now. At least he was positive about it all. Even when you managed to get only one star at the end of the song, he still cheered you on and congratulated you for doing your best.

The most fun thing about this was watching Suga dance. You let him take the front so you could stand behind and watch him, and boy was it worth it. He was so into it, shaking his hips from side to side and landing the sassiest of moves. But, it was all fun and games until you got into the duet dances.

"(Y/N). Let's dance to Careless Whisper," Suga said, looking into your eyes with a serious expression. "We need to do it."

"Are you serious?" You shook your head. "No, no. No way are we doing that."

"Please?" He began to use your biggest weakness against you. The puppy eyes. "Come on... please?"

"No. Must. Resist!" You looked away from him to avoid his gaze, but he moved over to follow your eyes. Trying to stay away from the innocent stare of his, you closed your eyes but was met by a warm body hugging your arm. "E-Eh, Koushi what are you doing?" Opening your eyes, you saw him leaning on your arm, staring at you with his light brown hues. You felt heat rise to your cheeks.


"Fine, fine! Okay I'll do it!" He let go and you brought your hands up to your face to try and hide the blush that formed across your face.

"Yay~!" He pecked you quickly on the cheek and then selected the song.

-some saxophones and twirls later-

"That was fun, (Y/N)!" Suga exclaimed, hugging you. "I especially liked the dipping and twirling parts."

"You're having way too much fun with this, Koushi." You laughed, sitting down on the couch nearby.

"What are you sitting down for?" Sugawara pulled you up from the couch, eliciting a groan from you. "Get in the spirit, (Y/N). We're dancing until midnight!"

You looked at the time: 9 PM. "...You're kidding right?"

"Nope! We got a wide range of songs, and we're dancing them all!"


Honestly i see Suga as being this dance loving type for games. For icetweaa, thanks for requesting! owo 

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