34: The results...

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The last few days have been... Well. A little chaotic. We are both a little nervous for the outcome of the STD test. Frank still has flashbacks, and last night he woke up screaming. He has been very submissive. He doesn't want to make his own choices. He wants me to make them. Of course that's fine. If it wasn't for the situation I'd actually love it. But now he's hiding behind it. The moment I let go of the slightest bit of dominance, Frank notices and bites his lips harshly. I sigh. I don't know what to do. Do I need to give it to him, or not?

I watch Frank as he sits down between my legs onto the floor. His head resting on my upper legs and his eyes closed. I take my phone and text Gabe.

Hey, do you have time to talk?

Sure! What about?

You've heard about Frank. Right?

Yeah... I'm so sorry :( I should've walked him to his car or something.

Hey it's not your fault... You couldn't have known. But I need your advice. Frank is almost clinging onto being a submissive right now. I mean, I figured we'd get into a 24/7 thing eventually but not this soon. Should I let him?

Well... That's difficult... I think it depends on whether he acts? How is he as a sub rn. Calm? Or nervous?

Calm. But the second I let go he gets very nervous.

Maybe you should let him, as long as you see it calms him down/makes him happier. If that changes you should slowly get him out of it and talk with him. But for now it's fine. William gets more into being a sub when he feels bad, so it's not that strange. Just keep an eye on him. If you want William and I could visit you? Maybe Frank likes being around William for a while and I could check how he's doing as well.

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