45: So Kiss Me Goodbye

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I meant to finish this chapter on my birthday a week ago as a present to you guys, but yeah, as you might notice it didn't work XD I got a bit stuck, because I didn't really think about why William stole the money yet XD So here it is anyways, it's a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it <3


Gabe looks awful. I don't think he's really slept this night. He says he slept fine, but I don't believe him. The dark circles below his eyes are a clear evidence of his lack of sleep. I decided to make coffee for the three of us, and I must say, Gabe looks a lot better already. Long live caffeine.

"Frank, how are you doing now?"

"Oh, a lot better to be honest. I still have flashbacks and things like that. It's rather shitty, but I'm doing fine. Especially the little break from My Chem feels like such a relief. Like I can breathe again. Do... do the flashbacks go away?"

Gabe shrugs. 

"It depends, I guess. I went to this support group a couple of months after it happened, and while I suffered from the flashbacks for a long time, most people didn't. But they had other problems, you see. It's really different. It makes a huge impact, but the more time you'll pass, the more it'll fade away. I promise," Gabe smiles at me fondly. He knows what I've been through. He knows what I feel. It's good to have someone like him around.

"So... How are you?" I ask him hesitantly. Gabe's smile fades away and the usual sparkles in his eyes, are gone again.

"Very shitty. But there's nothing I can do about it. I just need to keep going, I guess... I just don't understand why William betrayed me like this. He's so... Honest. Or so I thought. Who knows what else he's been keeping from me. Maybe he didn't even love me. I will never know."

"But why did he do it anyways?" Gerard asks him. I had been too scared to ask. I didn't think Gabe would want to answer that question. Gerard, however, is his best friend. Gabe shakes his head, as if he still doesn't believe what happened. Maybe he doesn't.

"He had been drunk one night. Made a bet to this man. He lost and suddenly owed that man a shit load of money. He didn't have it himself, and he didn't want to ask me. People at the Black Shadows knew him, so he knew they wouldn't think it to be strange when he would walk behind the bar. I mean, I'm the bartender. For all they knew he was looking for me. He tried to steal the money, but Billie and I walked in on him..."

I stare at Gabe disbelief. Is William really that stupid? That bad? Gabe sighs.

"The stupid thing is that I'm mostly worried about the offer I got to become the new owner of the club. Billie wants to spend more time with his sub, so he had the idea of choosing a successor. I had been his first choice. I really wanted that job. So much. But I don't think I have even the slightest chance on getting it now..."

Gerard shakes his head.

"No, Gabe. Billie wouldn't take the offer back. He knows how well you would run the club. Better than anyone else. He knows that, you know that. Every frequent member of the club knows that. Just talk to him."

It's the first time I've seen Gabe this insecure about himself. What Gerard says is true. I haven't known him for long. But the few times I've been there... Gabe knows everyone. He steps in when a scene seems to get out of hand. He teaches the new Doms how to be good Doms. He teaches the subs how to be good, but also how to stand up for themselves. He'd be the perfect owner.

"I don't know, Gee...," Gabe whispers. "Everyone will talk about it. How can I be a good owner if my own sub betrayed me like that? People will judge, and-"

"Yes, they might talk. And then what? People have been looking up to you for years. You know what, we're going to the club, tonight. You're going to talk to Billie, and you'll see people will support you."



"No Gerard. No. I don't want to see them."

"You have no choice. Frank and I are taking you there, whether you like it or not. I promise you, Gabe, they still respect you."

Gabe groans in frustration. He knows Gerard is not going to back out of this. I think it's a good idea. Gabe needs to know that people still support him.

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