Chapter 1. VII

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Titanium White, Ivory Black, Crimson Alizarin, Cadmium Red Hue, Yellow Ochre, Lemon Yellow.........

Salwa needed to make sure all her pigments were in order. A single missing pigment could lead to an over contrasting sun, or an off kilter ocean. That one little error could be the difference between a hundred dollar painting and a million dollar painting.

Salwa sighed. It isn't easy being a painter. Spending basically fourteen hours a day on paintings, and isolating oneself so one can focus. She had just sold a painting for half a million dollars after five years of toil, but she is still far from the six-digit mark. There just isn't enough inspiration left for her.

Knock Knock, she heard, making her lose track of her pigments.

"Who thinks they can just walk up to my doorstep?" she mumbled as she yanked it open. There was no one in sight, just a manilla envelope addressed to "Salwa M. S. A. Abdalla".

Regards Ms. S. M. S. A. Abdalla,

We would like to congratulate you on your early success in the art industry. You have shown your immeasurable ability with a brush and for that, we ask a small favour of you.

As you know, you had placed an exquisite watercolour collection up for auction last month. We wish for you to remove it from the bidding table. We would prefer to have it featured in our world renowned art gallery for an upcoming exhibition. It is located on a small island off the coast of the Pacific. We will, of course, subsidize you for allowing its display. This is a marvellous opportunity for you as many wealthy buyers may potentially take notice of your artwork , and you may collaborate with many fellow artist and learn from each other.

Of course, this is for you to decide, but we hope that you don't miss this once in a lifetime offer. A voucher to the gallery is enclosed in this envelope as well. We hope to see you there.


WFA (World Federation of Art)

P.S. This is an invite only event. Please do not bring or mention this to anyone.

Salwa was at a loss for words. She was actually getting a request to display her artwork (it's normally the other way around). Within a heartbeat, she decided she was going. "I need to remove the collection immediately" she muttered, "but first, I need to finish organizing my paint".

And on she went. Cerulean Blue Hue, Winter Green, Burnt Sienna, Zinc White.........

AN: Hiya! There everyone! How do you like the characters! Comment, Vote and Share!!!! Once again, if you contribute to a change that we do you get a chapter dedicated to you! Who wouldn't want that right?

Peace Out!

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