Chapter 8. I

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While many others had turned to their rooms to contemplate the sudden turn of events, Maira Khan, Mayor of Ravensworth city, turned to the library on the third floor. She ran a finger along the spines of the books. They were all leatherbound, old, but despite the lack of readers, well loved. She had come by many a page that was dog-eared and even ripped at the edges. But they all happened to be old titles. A Tale of Two Cities, Treasure Island, War and Peace... Maira's mind began to wander.

If Kyle has the time to press that suit every morning, then I bet he has the time to go book shopping. On second thought, maybe he wears the same suit every day. No no, a sophisticated gentleman like him would find it unacceptable. Perhaps he has multiple of the same suit... Yes, that's it! Hmm... Why does that remind me of someone... What was his name... Hamel? Leham? Oh hold on... Elham! That's it! Elham, that idiot who owned seven copies of the same sweater, one for each day of the week...

Something clattered in the distance, perhaps imaginary, but it was enough to snap her out of her reverie. Maira's eyes slid back into focus, and she found herself face to face with a spectacularly battered copy of the literary classic 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.' She flashbacked to her favourite TV show, one that she used to chat about with Salwa. No one would miss this she thought. Maira gently plucked the book off the shelf and left the library. 

Gifteds: And Then There Were NoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora