Chapter 5. III

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Kyle, as cunning as ever, has been eavesdropping on the entire conversation. As the conversation ended, he entered the room, maintaining composure.

"Well" he started. "It appears you have all have made quite a discovery."

Kyle cleared his throat and began, "I feel that I have given you enough time to be accustomed to this abrupt change in lifestyle. Be prepared for another. You will not interrupt nor will you question. I shall say this once and only once so you all shall listen attentively."

" Te- Ah yes nine my mistake, I am sure you all of you remember Henry and his rather... shocking... end. However, I am not at all surprised. Why? Well, it is quite apparent that one of you would break by now. After all have blood on your hands."

Looks of terror and shock swept across all their faces.

"Excu-" Maira began.

"No interruptions Mayor of Rasintown. Or perhaps would you like to manipulate me as well." Kyle bluntly stated. That shut Maira up.

"You all did get a forewarning as they were very explicitly left in your rooms as I presume. That was no accident. You all have committed sins, and now you are going to pay. However, though it would be suffice to kill you all in one easy blow, I have been advised not to. Though you all may have killed, only one of you has committed cold-blooded murder."

Everyone looked around the room, scanning every possible murderer.

Kyle gave no time to reflect, "We all are now imprisoned on this island. As advice, all I will say is be careful who you acquaint yourselves with. Anyone here can be the one pulling the strings. Who knows, maybe we all will wind up dead at the end. However, do not think for a second that I am on your side. I have been confidential orders from higher ranks. I will leave you with you this, stay vigilant."

Kyle grinned a menacing grin.

Once he regained his normal facade, Kyle broke the silence,

"Lights out in ten minutes. Good night and good luck; you may need it"

No one slept that night.

AN: We hope we aren't boring you with all of this (what we hope is) sass. I just realized, I really hate Kyle... When I write, maybe I'll injure him... Or kill him... or.... Ugh. I better stop thinking like that or else I'll disappoint myself when the other writers say "no we need him for the story"

So once again, enjoy! (Please vote, comment and follow)

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