Chapter 17. III

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The library in the rec room was hardly ever visited anymore. Nor were the gardens for that matter. Because of this, it wasn't hard to find a quiet corner these days. Then again, it's never hard to find a quiet corner when all anyone does is sleep. A giant deserted island in the middle of nowhereland is the cherry on top. Angela was torn between settling in a comfy chair in the library, or going out for a peaceful walk through the gardens. In the end she decided to do both. I'll take a walk first because who knows what happens in the gardens after nightfall. Alex and I could host a corpse themed sleepover together under the stars and no one would know. Angela shivered.

She threw a linen scarf around her despite the sunny weather. Why did I bring a scarf to a tropical island? She wondered. It was nice though. The scarf was a pale purple colour with a five-lined staff embroidered onto it. A black treble clef was featured prominently on the left, while musical notes spilled out from it and glided across the lines towards the right. Angela was the only one who knew that the notes, when read together, actually spelled out the main melody of EXO's "Growl". She was quite proud of that scarf to be honest, she embroidered those notes herself, and it took ages. Along with an incredible amount of black thread. Of all their fans, she could say that she was among the most dedicated, even if she couldn't make all their shows. My fans! She remembered suddenly. Its been so long, I haven't even thought of them one bit since arriving at this goddamn place. They must think I'm the worst.

Angela shook her head slowly as she turned towards the gardens. As the trees loomed above her and she was ensconced in the scent of tropical fruit, she began to wallow in her thoughts. How could I ever get my reputation back? Would I even get a chance to or would Kyle's gang get to me first? If my ex could see me now, he would laugh and say that this misery is to pay back for what I did to him. She sighed. He was a jerk anyways. Angela looked down at her scarf, the ends clutched tightly in her hands. He's the one who told me that I would never be good enough. He's the one who said that my stitches were uneven though they obviously aren't. He's the one who made me prove to him what I already knew. She was nearing a stream now, and it was blocking her path onwards. Angela eyed it for a moment, and then unraveled the scarf from her neck, the fabric uneven in places where she had been squeezing it too much. She knelt down and threw it into the water, watching it slowly float away.

Angela got up and made her way back to the mansion. Would her scarf ever make it to the ocean? Would it reach civilization? She doubted it. But she could always make another, this time of her own accord. Now I see why the others don't come here much. She thought. Angela hummed a tune softly, matching the beat to the rhythm of her footfalls. It was her own song, and it would feature on her next scarf in an explosion of her own ingenuity. 


A/N: And now we have reached the end of what we have written so far. As mentioned before, we have only written up to a certain point. This section is where the fully edited parts end. We have the next chapter-ish written but it is in desperate need of revisions and editing, so this is where we leave off. The next updates probably won't be on schedule, in fact, I'm not sure if we will even have a schedule from now on. I think we are losing interest in this story... so if you are enjoying it, please continue to support us! We love hearing from you all!

Until next time fellow readers!

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