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After the interrogation Ms. Romanoff escorted me to the limo.
"We haven't been properly introduced I'm Della," I reached out my hand for a shake. "Natasha Romanoff," she said taking my hand in a firm grip. "We're gonna be meeting the whole team so I suggest you ready yourself."
My eyes widened in excitement. The whole team! So many hands to shake!

An hour later we arrive at the great Stark Tower. I knew that one girl from the interrogation would be here so I automatically turned on the Block. Natasha led me inside towards the elevators. I wanted to look around this beautiful tower but she was already leaving me behind. Once inside the elevators I felt a wave of anxiety. The excitement I had in the car was gone. I don't particularly like too many people talking to me.
"You'll be fine."
I looked over at Black Widow. Obviously I have discomfort written all over my face. I released my breath and prepared myself.
"Is the hair an illusion?," she questioned without looking at me.
"No it's my natural hair."
Just then the elevators ringed. I stepped forward only to pause out of fear. Natasha gave me a "gentle" shove and walked over to the couches.
"Friday alert the Avengers our new recruit is here."
"Will do," an automatic voice responded. That's when my heartbeat really started to pick up. Behind my back I felt the wind pick up my hair. Must be another mutant, I turned the Block up a notch.
"Is this the young women come to join us on our quest for peace?," a booming voice sounded across the room. It couldn't be. The handsome and magnificent Thor!
"What is your name child?" He said this extending his arm.
"Delana," I replied firmly grasping his hand. Nothing.
"What a lovely name! And a firm grip!"
He led me towards the center of the room and offered me a seat. I declined, when this is over I just want to go home.
"You've already met the Captain and
Mr. Stark," Natasha said pointing towards the guys walking in.
"Hello again," I said waving my hand.
"And those are the twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff."
I didn't have time to react when I was suddenly pushed to the ground by hands. Oh, so this is how it's going to be.
I got back up cooly, met her heated gaze and brushed myself off.
"How are you doing that! Tell me now!"
"Doing what?," I said grinning from ear to ear.
"I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face!" She tried to hit me but a flash a blue took her across the room. It was the boy I assumed was Pietro. He was a tall and muscular guy with this nice wave of hair. My heart did a little flip flop and my stomach flew.
"Please Wanda, calm down!," her brother demanded.
I guess I'll have to be the good guy here. "I truly am sorry but when you're taken by six buff dudes, thrown into an armoured truck, forced onto a jet, taken into a limo, rushed into a military based building and forced to answer questions your mood starts to turn," I said this all in a rush.
Everyone turned to look at me. "That's my morning!" I took a bow.
Stark chuckled. "I like this girl. Can we keep her please?"
I smiled. I walked over to Wanda and Pietro.
"I have the ability to block and suppress other mutant's powers," I pleaded.
"So that explains it."
She was still angry I could tell.
"My name is Delana, pleased to meet you two," I reached out my hand.
They both took it in turn.

This is gonna be fun!

Current Status:
Take powers
Block abilities/Sense them/Suppress them
Captain America's abilities
Create illusions
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff's powers

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