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^^^^Ayyyy! Loki, the first person to be inside the Hulk cage.^^^^

*Steve's POV*

"No we can't do that to her. We just got her out of a cage, now you want to put her in a new one?!," I yelled at Fury.

"I didn't make the call. The council made the order."

We were now on the Helicarrier. She spent a year in a cage only to be put in another one. She would've put up a fight, so they had to sedate her before putting her inside of the Hulk cage.

"It's only till we understand her, Rogers."

I shook my head. "This won't end well. You know that."

Bucky was standing away from the cage with his arms crossed, watching us. I went over to him. "Do you want to-."

"This won't be good for her. You need to let her out," he cut me off.

"I wish I could but they ordered it."

He shook his head.

"Do you want to lie down, can I get you some food?," I asked.

"I'll be fine. Can you bring her food?"

"Of course."

I walked away but I snuck a glance back at Buck. He stood there, waiting. Clint was up in his hiding spot watching them in case something goes wrong. Everyone else was back in their rooms getting cleaned up and prepping for when she wakes up.

I grabbed a sandwich, soup, brownie, two cups of coffee, and a juice from the fridge.

"Is that for her?," Pietro asked quietly.


He paused before saying. "Can I come and wait with you?"

"You should get some rest, Speedy. Put some ice on that cut."

"I'll be fine."

I sighed. "Fine. Grab those two cups of coffee will you?"

We walked in silence. When we got there Pietro handed a cup to Bucky and gave me the other. I nodded to the people behind the glass who were in charge of who went in and out of the cage. They opened the doors and I went inside placing the food by her. She was wrapped up in blanket, sleeping. I walked out and they closed the doors behind me. Now we wait.

*Della's POV*

I don't know how long I was out for. All those times they made me sleep for less than six hours took its toll on me. It might have also been the drugs. I opened my eyes to a blinding white light. I looked to my left, then right. I was in a cage. Not just any cage, the Hulk cage. I started to laugh, so it would mask my nervousness, because this is probably what my future will consist of from now on. A cage. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. It was empty except with a small pile of food. Outside, waiting, was Bucky, Pietro, Steve, and Clint up in his hiding spot, they were looking at me curiously. There were also people behind a mirror, overlooking us in this room. I smiled and sat up against the wall. I looked at my hair, which was back to it's normal magenta color, my eyes were probably the same as well.

"Who brought me the food?," I asked.

"I did," Steve replied.

I laughed close to tears. "Thanks."

I took a sip of the coffee and sighed. Coffee is one of the things I missed the most. I grabbed the sandwich and took a bite. "So what? What do you guys want?"

"We want to talk to you about what happened but we'll wait until you've finished eating," Steve said.

"Can you guys leave then. I don't like to be the only one eating." I was already feeling disgusted about myself. I haven't showered since the incident. Plus all of Malia's smart ass remarks about my weight have caused me to stop eating in front of people. But God was I hungry.

I saw Pietro speed off and come back with a sandwich for Steve, Bucky and himself. I ate everything Steve had left for me and dusted myself off and stood up. "So what's going to happen?"

Before I could get an answer, people started filing into the room. The Avengers and some other people. I wasn't going to leave this cage for the interview. The interview was going to come to me. They all stood around the cage examining me like some newly discovered species.

I smiled. "Don't tap the glass. It disturbs the animals."

"We have some questions to ask you, uh-."

"Ruzový will be no good because that was a name given to me by a psychopath. So I guess I'll go back to the name I've forgotten over the course of a year. Della," I cut the old man off, curtly.

He cleared his throat and gave me a look. I looked around the room feeling out of place.

"Can I get a chair at least?"

A few minutes later I was lying back in a chair smiling brightly at this group of men and women.

"I just want to start off by saying welcome back and we are glad you are safe and sound," this tall, bearded guy expressed.

I laughed. "Welcome back? Like I voluntarily left? Plus you people don't care about me. If you did I wouldn't be in this cage! You're just glad you got your favorite toy back!"

No one said anything which made me smile even more.

"What-? Um.. What was-?," this young man tried to ask the obvious question no one wanted to ask.

"What was it like being held hostage by a fucking maniac?," I asked raising my voice at that last part. These people were getting on my last nerve and I could feel them getting uncomfortable. "Well it was just peachy, darling. I got six hours of sleep a day, the max, I got physically and mentally abused, and I was injured a shit load of times." I stood up and took my shirt off so they could see the evidence. I wore a tank top underneath but even that can't hide my scars. My healing ability is getting better at scarring less but some wounds were too deep. Across my stomach, shoulders, arms, and also on my legs but I wasn't about to take my pants off for these people. I heard a few gasps. I smirked and pulled my shirt back on. "What else do you want to know?"

"Who were these people?," they showed me three pictures then. One of Malia, Gail and one of Kellin.

"Bitch One, Bitch Two and Bitch Three," I chuckled.

They didn't say anything but I could feel the tension grow more and more inside of the room.

"Those fuckers would beat me up everyday. I still have bruises, would you like to see?"

"No it's fine."

"I wasn't going to let them walk away. So I killed them," I smiled.

That was met with silence.

"What about your captor?"

"Killed that motherfucker too."

"Why," I looked at the guy who said that and he knew he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.

"Why? Why?!," I stood up and walked over to him. "That man held me prisoner for a fucking year! He made me into a mindless killing machine! He tried to rape me, did you know! No! And you have the audacity to ask why I killed that psycho?!" I paused trying to breathe. My mind was racing and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Using the mind swap ability I slipped into Steve's mind and had him punch the guy out. He lost two teeth. Everyone was freaking out. "You can all go fuck yourself! This interrogation is over!" To prove my point I sent up smoke so it would cover the walls of this cage. They wouldn't see me fall to my knees and cry. I heard shouting but I didn't care. I left to go into the farthest corners of my mind where whatever happens on the outside I won't notice from the inside. I was alone once again.

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