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(something went wrong while I was typing this, I hope you guys don't mind)

*Della's POV*

I was able to leave my disoriented state using the mind swap ability. Outside of the tank I got a look around. It was just me in this room, nothing else but a monitor. I looked inside the tank at my body, my hair was disheveled, my eyes looked hollow, there was an extreme amount of bruising, and there was a clear amount of scarring on my body. This place really took its toll on me.

Then I felt it, a small chill down my back. "They're here." I could hear the storming of boots upstairs as people made their way outside.

I sensed another presence in this hall. It was Pietro. They would send him in first because he would be able to check the place in a matter of seconds. He finally found my door but Valentín must've locked it. He charged at it a bunch of times until he finally broke through. He stumbled when he saw my body in the tank, he walked closer and saw the bruises, the scars, everything.

"Such an ugly sight to behold, huh Speedy?," I said nonchalantly.

He didn't respond of course because he couldn't hear me. He pressed the eject button and the doors opened. There was a hissing sound. He grabbed my body and laid me on the floor.

"Della? Please, wake up!," he shouted at me.

I laughed softly. "But when I do, I won't be like the old me, hun. I'll definitely try to kill you because no one is going to stop me from killing Valentín. Even if that means killing my old friends along the way."

"Please!," he shouted.

"Well. Since you asked so nicely. But I tried to warn you."

I went back into my mind. My eyes opened and I saw the pain and relief in his eyes.

"You are alive!," he rejoiced.

"Oh, honey, this is gonna hurt real bad." Moving quickly I knocked him out with the butt of my gun that I had tucked inside my waistband. "Sorry, Speedy, but I have to go kill that evil son of a bitch."

I headed to Valentin's office. Knowing him he would be hiding like the coward he is. Groups of men came at me but I handled them all. No one was gonna stop me from killing this bastard. I kicked the door to his office down.

"Ruzový! What are you doing here, you're supposed to be on ice!?"

I sped up to him and grabbed him by the neck, choking him. "You destroyed me! You made me into a monster!"

He was trying to claw at me and pull at my hair. I threw him to the ground and kicked him several times in the gut. "You tried to rape me!"

"Please, Ruzový! Please I'm sorry," he coughed out between kicks.

"Sorry?! Motherfucker it's too late for that," I grabbed him by the hair and punched him in the face. "As much as I would like to stay and do this some more I have to go." I stood up and dusted myself off.

"You think you will be free from this?," he groaned. "I will have you my lovely! They will be looking for you. They will find you."

"Shut up," I took out my gun and shot him square in the head. I walked out of the room and headed for the exit. Let's go see what all the commotion is about.

Once I got outside I looked around and breathed in the fresh air. I spotted the Avengers and grinned, who would've thought they would actually find me? I jumped off the building and levitated down into battle. I pulled my gun out and shot Malia in the back of the head. The bitch had it coming. I started running towards Kellin, jumping on top of him and slicing his neck open. I went over to kill Gail but she saw what I had done to Kellin and started to run from me. I zoomed up to her and stabbed her in the throat. "You can't run from me, bitch!" I dropped her body and wiped myself off, I had gotten blood all over my clothes.

Now that that's over I started shooting at everyone Hydra related. I didn't want any of these people to know I was even here or that I had escaped. Using an electrical current I started zapping everyone. I was in the heat of it all when I heard a yell that was cut off. It sounded like Ansel. I turned in time to see Wanda stab him in neck. My breath hitched. "No!"

I sped over to him and got down so I could try and stop the blood. I looked up at Wanda with tears filling my eyes. I lifted her up from the ground and flung her as far as I could. Using my electrical powers I created a shield about ten feet in circumference. Anyone who dared try to cross it would be burnt to a crisp.

"Please stay with me, Ansel! Please!"

"It's. Ok. Della."

He tried breathing. I put my hands on his wound to heal him but he grabbed them and shook his head. "I'm free now," he whispered. I started bawling. He took his last breath and closed his eyes. I screamed. He was the closest thing to a friend I had in that shit hole. No one will ever know the beauty of his siren song. The gentleness of his heart when it came to my wounds. His secret smile he showed only to me when I would crack a joke. They took that from me. Specifically, Wanda took him from me. I placed a small kiss on his forehead and laid him down. I got up and took my jacket off to cover his body. I levitated into the sky, power pulsating from my core. Everyone was gonna die today, no one would survive this. I let go a surge of electricity left and right. People were screaming and yelling. It was beautifully chaotic. I wasn't going to stop until someone turned a hose on me. Literally. I dropped some feet to the ground and convulsed from the powerful current. Looking up I saw, a couple of feet in front of me, Captain America.

"You've just killed my sanity! You people just killed an innocent man! You're not Avengers, you're murderers!" I was crying by then. Steve looked like I had just shot him in the chest.

I was about to start up my powers again when I heard him. "Ruzový! Stop!"

My heart lept. Please let it be real. I stopped and looked behind Steve.

"Bucky." I shoved everyone out of my way and stood in front of him. "You're alive," I sobbed.

"Please. Let's go," he grabbed my hand.


"Anywhere but here. With them."

I retracted my hand. "They killed Ansel. They have to pay!"

"They already payed for that, Ruzový. You have killed enough of their men, now stand down."

I sighed and released the tears I've been holding back. He pulled me into his chest and walked me over to the ship. We sat down and he pulled a blanket over me.

"It's over."

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