Chapter 47

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Hayley's Pov:

It's been two weeks since I've seen Grayson, two weeks where things seem to be getting back to normal. I must admit I miss him but he was acting so strange before I left, that it was the best thing I could have done for myself. 

Ever since the night I left, Jason and I moved mansions again. This time though we stayed in that mansion. It was a new one he decided to buy incase Kylie somehow found the old mansion. Either way I've been training hard to get my fighting skills back.  I must admit I missed working out and beating people up. I've realized how much calmer I am and how my mentality has gotten better.

Jason on the other hand is hardly ever "home" if that's what you would call a mansion. He's always out doing business, he didn't want to leave me alone at first but after insisting him. He gave up and let me stay, I have to admit it's a lot quieter without him.

As I come back to the present after being so lost in thought, I grab my car keys and make my way outside. Looking around I find my car, there's like twenty cars out here. Jason doesn't even use half of these cars. Getting in to the driver seat I start the ignition and drive to the front of the mansion. Where the security was, to let them know I was leaving.

"Hayley how's it going?" Ryan sees me pull up and starts chatting like always.

"It's good, can you open the doors so I can leave please?" I have a busy schedule , so I can't stay and chitchat.

"Sure ma lady , be safe and come back soon" he flashes a cheesy grin and opens the gates. Rolling my eyes while smiling back at him, I drive off into the main streets.

Once I get into the grocery store, I start making my way to find the things I need. One thing I learned was to not waste time doing unnecessary things. Especially when you're on a tight schedule.

Halfway through my list I came upon some snacks I need. Which were on the top shelf, which I couldn't reach. After several jumps I gave up and started to walk away.

"Here you go" I heard someone run up to me and speak.

Turning around I saw a dark brown haired boy, with  light brown eyes, white shiny diamond like teeth, about two inches taller than me. Holding a box of the snacks I tried getting earlier.

"T-thanks" I smiled back but soon felt my cheeks get all hot and red. He made me feel weird, it's a feeling I haven't felt in a while. Like butterflies through out my stomach.

"I noticed you struggling so I decided to help you out" He smiled at me once again but this time looked me right in the eyes. I couldn't help but blush once again.

"You're really beautiful , I wish we could get to know each other better" he handed me the box while taking out his phone.

I still didn't respond back, it was all happening so quickly I couldn't get it together. The feelings and the way he acted everything seemed to fake to be true.

"S-sure , I'll give you my number and you can give me yours" I grab the box while he hands me his phone as well. We exchange numbers and continue to talk a bit more.

"And your name was?" He asked me with a grin, boy did he make me melt inside.

"H-Hayley , and yours ?"  I couldn't believe how much I'm stuttering right now.

"I'm Alex ... I'll call you later tonight Hayley, maybe we can hang out somewhere more private" he winks at me and walks away.

Grayson's Pov:

"Two weeks Cameron , it's been two weeks since I've seen Hayley! I miss her like crazy. It's driving me insane! " I start raising my voice as Cameron just rolls her eyes at me.

"You drove her away because of how you acted, so don't complain now. " she crosses her arms over her chest.

It's currently two in the morning , we are sitting at our kitchen just loudly speaking to eachother. It's probably the second conversation I've had with her since Hayley left.

"No , no , no Hayley just didn't know what she was doing " I try to convince myself that, when I know Cameron is right.

"You've been in your room everyday trying to track her down! You're going insane, you need to go get professional help!" She gets up from her chair and grabs a cup of water.

"I just miss her ... " I start to fade lost in thought.

"You're just obsessed with her, that's about it." She sits back down , trying to lower her voice.

"No Cameron you don't get it ... I didn't use protection last time we had sex .... And she isn't on the pill. So I'm sure she's pregnant ... All I want is her and my baby that's it." I could feel tears gather in my eyes.

{AN: hope you guys enjoyed his chapter, I know it's short and simple. I'm trying to continue making more chapters. So I'm sorry if I take a while, just know this fanfic won't be ending anytime soon.  Well don't forget to vote and comment 💖}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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