The Last Time.

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Now we can start on the REAL fun!

When we got down from the elevator onto the garage the same guards who had left in the beginning returned and covered me as I went into the SUV.

Just like before we waited until for two vehicles to go ahead of us and followed them, I was left with my thoughts as the guys didn't say anything to me , maybe because of the way I had slammed Todds door, I don't know but I was greatfull .

"Royal Red requested at Casa Fone ", a guard said throw the system .

"En route ", Robbie replies .

"What does he mean ?", I asked them, when Jason turned the car around .

"It's a restaurant.", Robbie answers me .

I watch as the scenery by us gets more nicer and there's is more expensive cars on nice paved roads.

The cars again go around a grand mansion and we park underground. Stepping out of the vehicle I am escorted inside .

There is people mingling , people of class , as I could tell from the way they dressed and the way they held themselves , I ignored them when most of them would stop talking and stare at me .

"This way .", Pete appeared out of no were guiding me to a hallway on the left . He opened the door for me , and as I walked in the room , the first thing I noticed was that it has no windows .

"Hello Doll ," Eduardo said coming from a door in the corner and leaves it open , showing me a secluded room.

" What are we doing here?", I ask Eduardo as he escorts me to the secluded room where I can see a table set up for two people.

"A reward .For you Colors", Eduardo responds pulling a chair out and gestures for me to sit .

"A reward? For what ?" , I ask him suspicious.

"For coming back to me . You proved to me that I could trust you outside , so from now on , with my knowledge,you can leave - but you need to have the guys with you of course .", Eduardo said and snapped his fingers and a waitress came almost tripping on her feet to attend to him.

I look away as if I didn't see her just fall , and let Eduardo order for us .I never really was alone with him . To talk that is. So I decided to take full advantage of the situation. I wait till the waitress leaves and that's when I turn back to look at him.

"So I could leave , when I want - with you knowing ", I repeat .

"That's what I said . ", he says nodding once .

"Is there any where I'm restricted?", I ask him bluntly .

"You know where .", Is all he says.

"Alright .", I say nodding , and look down at my lap.

"That necklace looks good on you .", he says and I look up  , fanning my eyelashes to his blue eyes looking down at my brown ones .

"Denise arranged for me to wear it .", I say and resist the temptation of touching it . Two waitresses come and settle whiskey on his glass and give me wine .

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