chapter 1

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After 12 years

"Get up, Andria!" Nisha said.

"Hey!" I said rubbing my eyes as I saw Jack, my step-brother and the lady who adopted me and thinks that she is my mother was standing in front of me with a cake! I cleared my eyes as if it was blur only it wasn't.

Oh yes, it's my twentieth birthday.

Birthdays aren't really my thing. I don't understand why we throw parties only to please some people that we only know and haven't talked to them in years. I seriously don't understand a hell lot of things.

Nisha, my legal guardian or my so called mother is a short heighted lady with curly blonde hair nearing towards shoulder and green eyes just like her son. She has a beautiful body and big boobs. Currently she is on I don't remember which boyfriend but I am pretty sure it's either her sixth one or seventh one. Maybe it's Ray. Ray is his name.

"Happy birthday!" my brother said as he kissed me on my cheek, the insanely hot boy in college who also appears to be my brother. He is a caring and a loving person. Or maybe he is pulling away his mother's act with me. Cocky bad ass. Whenever I see this lady I only saw the begging of an innocent child only she didn't believe her.

"Happy birthday Andria," Nisha said as she sat down on the bed. I smiled. I know she isn't the same lady again but yet I know the pain the negligence that she has caused me.

"Thank you," I finally said.

"What thank you?" my brother asked, "throw a party; invite me so I could invite some hot girls. You know what I mean," he winked. I smiled sheepishly as he kissed me on my forehead, "you've got me, okay!"

Jack is the hot guy that everyone wants. He had those deep green eyes, blonde hair and that muscular look that every girl pleases. His height is of the perfect male for a woman. He is nearly 6'1 at most. But god knows he is a play boy, an overprotective brother and he loves me unconditionally.

"Actually!" Nisha intruded, "he's right. Invite your friends over, invite some hot guys and get yourself a date. Do you even know what you're missing?"

She's right. I need to get laid. And I am twenty and still a virgin. I know it is hard to believe I mean just look at me. I've got great hair literally that are leading my mid back. I'm a brunette, definitely a sexy one.

Happy birthday to me

I miss you mommy.

"Go take some money, buy yourself a great dress and heels. Apply some sexy make up. Just enjoy your life. Open up with people. Make some friends." Nisha said and yes it did pinch me. Hard

"Should I take you?" my brother asked. My eyes and head got stuck into his question if he really meant it.

"In your car?" I asked, more of assuring myself if he really asked. But the last time he let anyone enter his car was 2 years back. He never tells the reason regarding the same! Anyhow he uses his bike for girlfriends. He is a Casanova no doubt.

"Well, it's my baby sister's twentieth birthday and I would do anything too make her happy." He said as I stood up to hug him. I was still in my tank top and pink shorts.

"I love you!" I exclaimed and I really feel that for him.

"Love you too honey!"

I cut the cake as Jack put it all over my face.

"I'm gonna get you!" I said as I hugged him and curled my face into his t-shirt.

"Thank you Nisha." I said as I went into the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. I changed into a yellow dress. I am way too excited to sit in Jack's car. I still can't believe he really asked me to sit in his car. I went downstairs and saw Nisha and Jack waiting for me. Jack was now wearing really sexy shirt with his favorite jeans. It's been a year since he's going to gym regularly and trusts me it shows. My own Hemsworth.

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