Chapter 18

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 Hi guys!

How are you?

I swear to god, I want to post the next three chapters straight away!

Things are going to be interesting!


       "A broken heart is star which does not shine anymore"

I took a cab to Central Park. I entered the part and I heard the birds chirping and couples kissing and people holding hands and children running around and the cold breeze smashing through my skin. The old man walking with his wife and his granddaughter was one such fine sight. All I wanted was to cry and wanted to go back home. I wanted to lay on my bed all day and just that it. That's all I want to do. I called Liam and asked him to meet me. I also had to meet his family tonight.

"Hey!" he said as I hugged him sobbing. "It's okay. Now I don't want you all crying in front of my mom and dad so smile."

"Shut up," I said.

"I don't know Liam, one minute he is the best dad ever and in another second he just confess you he doesn't want you. It's all so fucked up." I told as we walked outside the park holding hands.

"I know," he said gently squeezing my hand and pulling me closer to him and pressing a kiss on my forehead, "everything's gonna be alright."

"I guess so," I said as we walked ahead, "Maybe we should cancel the dinner. I mean I am not emotionally good right now and meeting your parents is a big deal for me and disappointing you is the last thing I want to do to you."

"Just calm down Miss 'I am always strong and confident', I am sure having company tonight will lighten up you mood and cancelling the dinner now will just disappoint them."

"Yeah," I sighed, "just leave me to my place. I'll get ready and come directly."

"I'll have driver pick you up at seven."


I wore the most elegant dress I ever owned. I want to impress his parents. I want them to love me. I straightened my hair. Yeah I look good. I've already met his mother. How bad would it be? I don't know you are meeting your boyfriend's parents for the first time. The worst that can happen is they didn't like you but don't remember you are Andria and no one can hate you because you are too sweet. That's it. Stop thinking and worrying about them. I know I'll do just fine. The rats of nervousness need to stop running here and there. Take a deep breath and let it go...

The driver was right on time and I just combed my hair and took my handbag before leaving. And there he was, my father standing and looking at me. I don't know how to describe the way he looked. He looked at me with pride that says, 'see that's my daughter' and that smile that said, 'I know you will do well'. He came towards me and smiled proudly. I was still mad at him but that smile just took everything away. This was his first honest smile.

"What?" I asked coldly. I have to make sure that he knows I am mad at him.

He came closer to me as he waved his hands through my hair.

"You look beautiful," he smiled as he pulled a bunch of hair and pin them up with a golden clip. It was way too chunky for my dress and I don't know why he did, "This clip...your mom wore it when she met your grandpa for the first time," he told and I observed him obediently, "now you look complete." He said and smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

I don't know what to say. I was out of words at the moment. I really don't know what to say. There he was asking me to get out and asking me to leave him alone and here he just gave me something really close to his heart. He just left leaving me speechless. I was standing there but my heart was shaking and beating miserably fast.


God who are these people?

It was my first reaction when I saw Liam's parent's bungalow. He is more than rich. His home was awfully big and his parent's home was even bigger. Liam came to escort me up from car. My legs were really shaky. I was nervous like a student is when he is sitting n front of head mistress. Yeah, I've never experienced that but right now I fell I am going to. Oh god! Please be good.

There he stood in a white suit and black shirt and a grey tie. He just looked like the perfect model that you can give your heart to. He left me breathless and his deep blue eyes looked into mine that harness the heat in my soul. I don't know how to describe him and then there is perfectly gelled black hair and that smile that can break million hearts. What the hell is he doing with a girl like me?

He was looking at me and not leaving his eyes away from mine. It felt like it's meant to be. Kiss me and make it happen. I don't know what he was thinking when he kissed me. I mean how can anyone like me? I am kind of geek. I am his best friend's sister and I am fucked up with my own shit.

"You look..." he started off and before he could say anything I cut him off with a kiss on his lips. I needed it. He kissed me back as he pulled me in a hug.

"Not like a beggar," I said completing his sentence as both of us laughed.

"Well I was about to say something else but whatever suits you," he smiled and put his hands on my lower back. His touch is the best touch I could demand at the moment, "Don't be nervous. They will not eat you."

"Look at this place," I said as I looked around the garden, "Who are you people?"

"Let's just say my mother like beautiful houses," he said and started laughing.

"Jerk," I said as we moved in.


The next chapter is going to be 'the interesting dinner'!

I will post the chapters within few hours. Just some editing work left!

Till then show me your love and click the star button and comment me how do you think the dinner will end?

loads of love for my readers :)

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