chapter 26

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One of my favorite chapters!



"I am just enjoying!" I screamed as I turned back to see who it was only it wasn't my best friend but the guy who led me to this misery.


What a fucking entry?

"Well your definition of fun has changed within four god damn weeks!" he screamed coming closer to me. "And you think he," he said looking at nervous Daniel, "He can replace me!"

"Fuck off!" I screamed walking away from him. Danny was tensed as he walked away.

Wow I am so proud of you.

"Why aren't you planning on it?" he asked coming closer. Alcohol you needed to work now and fucking hell, looking at his face, even alcohol fades. Every fucking time.

I went back to Kate where she was sitting and her eyes glared and judging both of us. I took one shot of tequila unless I was intruded by oh-I-am-so-caring-ex-boyfriend. Asshole

"Well hi!" Kate smiled looking at Liam. He is mine bitch. Is he? "You must be the famous heart breaker Liam Cole."

"Hello to you too," he said smiling back and then looking at me furiously, "You don't get to drink any more of alcohol and both of you are you coming with me. I am driving you back home."

"And who said we will be taking your help," I slammed my words as I took my purse and paid the bill and then holding Kate by her wrist and leading her out with me.

"This is interesting," she smiled, "And that guy is damn hot."

"I know," I smiled of the thought of her approving of him as hot until he stands in front of us blocking our way.

Enough of drama already.

"It's enough already Liam," I said calmly as I looked at concerned him. "I am sure two girls can walk back home by themselves. And oh, I am so caring ex boyfriend thing can get the hell out of my life. I think I can manage myself just fine." I said moving closer.

"You can't even fucking walk properly," he said and that was true actually. My legs were shaking because of him or the alcohol, I've no fucking clue. "Let me take you home."

"I'm fine." I said as we moved ahead as suddenly he pulled me by his side holding me and Kate. I was on his right side and Kate was on left side. He held us both by our waist and pulling us closer as the ballet came with his car in the front.

He made us both sat in the back seat. He sat along with us as his driver drove us out. I put on head on his shoulder and Kate was on me. She was so drunk and in no condition to understand what the fuck was happening. Even I don't understand what was happening. Liam put his arm around my shoulder so that my head was all into him. And there it hits.

His smell hits me with memories.

His memories were working with my head and making out with my heart already.

I don't know what the hell is happening to me. Why do I feel so I don't know a different good with him?

"Andria," he mumbled under his breath hugging me so tightly as if claiming I was his. I tried to shrug him off only to realize that the alcohol hits so hard that I was in no state to realize what my body and mind wants.

"Don't," I argued as he greeted me with a chaste kiss on the lips asking me to shut up. The taste of him brings me back to where I was a month ago. It's a drug. It's medicine to pain which only stops for a while only to cause bigger problems.

"Why?" I asked about the sudden kiss, "Why did you kiss me?"

"So that I could fill in the warmth I was missing for days. And you probably wouldn't remember the other day, but Andria I've missed you." He confessed kissing my neck as the love making hormones rushed and mind saying no.

"Stop!" I confessed as I looked away as I am totally embarrassed by the company of a driver who might have been judging me by now and off course a drunken best friend who was asleep by now. "You can't do this to me."

"I know I am just so wrong for you. You are beautiful and I am still mad at you," he argued, "Why the hell were you drinking so much? You know you can't control alcohol? And what the fuck were you doing with that guy?" he said anger showering through his words from his oh so beautiful lips and those eyes screening me.

Fight fucking back.

"So what if I got drunk. So what if I am moving on Liam. I am allowed to do the fuck I want and this wasn't a part of the plan." I said angrily just to see he was as angry as I was.

"Fucking hell woman!" he exhales a deep breath as he pulled me closer, "Do you even know what you are talking about?"

"You are allowed to sleep with other woman when we were in a relationship and I am not even allowed after I am out of one?" I said making an obvious and clear point.

He wanted me back.

I want him back.

"Because I don't fucking want to see the regret and hate you will have when you would realize that you sleep the fuck off with a random guy. That you just used someone for your fucking pain. Because I don't want you fucking feel that guilt. Because I know you how fucking you will hate yourself and trust me I will never let you do that to yourself." He said meeting my eyes with the utmost anger he had for my act of stupidity and shit he was right. I was no night stander. I don't use people for pain. I never let my high school guys to get into my pants and then he was nobody.

"What do you want from me Liam?" I asked calmly touching his face with my hand and embracing every inch of his face and looking deep into those soulful eyes. He put his both hands over my face looking at me and asking the same question to himself.

"I am not capable of giving you what you want. I couldn't possibly be the one you should cry for baby. And I don't want you to cry," he said holding me close. "The hurt I've caused, it's irreplaceable."

"Then prove yourself wrong Liam," I said holding the urge to kiss this beautiful bastard, "Tell me the truth."

"Truth's a bitch."

"Tell me you don't love Emily?" I don't know if I asked or I just wanted to know that from his mouth.

"Emily is nothing compared to you baby." He said as I smiled sheepishly.

"Great point made!" Kate stood up all in sudden. "You hurt my best friend, you son of a bitch." And now she remembers we both hate Liam.

"Well, I am sorry about that." Liam said smiling back, "And you must be Kate."

"Kate Jennings." She completed, "Ria, guy's got a thing for you."

Yes he does.

"Well he is the same guy who played with my emotions," I completed.

Liam kept his mouth shut.

"And I am not forgiving him any sooner. Because what he had done is far worse than..." I said and my heart aching of the emotions and realizing I am fucking doing the same thing. I wouldn't let him play with me. Knowing he fucked the girl just for the sake for revenge is not okay with me.

He dropped us back at home and yet giving me the eyes that I wanted to see. I wanted to see me in those eyes of him and knowing he cared I don't know. It's complicated. It's I have no fucking clue.


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