Chapter 16

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I hope you will like this chapter.

Until then keep smiling.

If I cross 1000 reads, i will post the next chapter within 12 hours :)

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                                                     "Believing is artificial, make it trust worthy."

I changed myself into my denim shorts and a sexy backless top. Yes, he got clothes for me and I am tired of it. I sometimes feel I have won a free trip to New York where you don't even have to buy for your own clothes because a filthy rich person is always there to accompany you. Yeah life's good.

But I still wonder what am I to him?

A friend? Of course not, we both hooked up.

A best friend, I doubt that. Even best friends they don't screw each other.

His girl friend? Definitely yes!

"Oh my God!" was the first thing I said as I saw the car he's taking me in for the drive. The car has a rigid roof but also easily-lift able removable hardtop pieces. It was one of the Lamborghini.

God, are you kidding me?

"Get in," he shouted and I did the same. I looked at the muscular body coming right in front me as his eyes stared me and i... Yeah! I stood still.

Stupid I know.

I put on my sunglasses and he started driving the car.

"Can I ask you something?" I said in the middle of the drive.

"Yeah!" he said and smiled. We were a half way through the bridge has he told me earlier. I was looking at him to figure out if I should ask him this question or not. Of course I should. Spill the beans Cole?

"Your mother is one beautiful woman I must say," I said diplomatically trying to get to the point. He looked irritated and ob boy I don't think it is the right time I guess.

"Cut the crap Andria." He hushed. He seemed really irritated with traffic.

"Who are you?" I asked, "I mean I know you are not a normal youngster. You are way too rich. Girls are crazy for you and you are hanging out with me," I laughed at the word where I referred myself, "I mean seriously, you are out of my league. My father totally asked you to get out, but you didn't leave and you are taking me to meet your family. I don't even know your favorite color."

About favorite color, I know.

"I am Liam Cole," he answered calmly, "answer to your first question. Why am I hanging out with you when other girls are crazy for me? This is the answer. They are crazy and I don't want crazy, I want stupid that you totally are." He said and gazed at me and gave a small laugh. He held out his hand as he held mine in his, "as far as for your father, I couldn't leave you then with him, I would have not forgiven myself and I wanted you to be safe." He left my hand as the traffic moved, "as far as for favorite color, I like blue, and what's your favorite color, maybe I'll get you dress of the same color," he smiled and I blushed at looking at him through the rear mirror.

"What about cars and dresses anyways? And what about the business your mom was talking about?"

"I live cars and you look great in dresses," he smiled, "And about mom, you are coming on Friday right?"

I need answers baby?

"Yes I am," clever him, ignored my question and he got back at me. Every time I tried talking about it he'd shut me up and we'll have to talk something else. But really is he hiding something? And if yes I want to know what.

The drive was more than beautiful. No wonder the world is beautiful. Later I asked Liam to drop me at my father's place. I just hope his mind is totally at right place and I may have some progress with him.


I went in the house looking at the places he smashed me or judge me and blamed me. a part of me was shivering and the other part only wanted to see if he was fine. And I knew the door wasn't locked. Dad was in the kitchen cooking something. I went inside to greet him.

It's going to be okay?

"Hey!" I said, "What are you cooking?"

"Grilled mushroom," he said as he washed his hands on the basin and put the apron down in one of the wooden cabins.

"Smells delicious," I said as I leaned in doing a quick pro quo.

"Thank you," he looked at me and smiled. What's up old man? You seem happy is there any problem?

"You are in a good mood?" I asked as I sat down on the sofa.

"Indeed I am," he replied as he took out two plates and came towards me with food. Something is really wrong, "Try it," he sat sitting beside me.

I took a bite, although it tasted just fine I had to lie and tell him that it is the best things I've ate in years, "It's delicious." I lied.

"Don't lie, I know it' okay," he smiled as he took a bite himself, "Your mother was a better cook."

"I know. I used to love cookies that she used to bake." I told totally jumping out of the seat. The light inside my eyes suddenly lightened up.

"I know your favorite chocolate-butter cookies," he smiled, "I remember."

"You know Liam asked me out," I told. I wanted to see his reaction. I know not the best time to tell him. Since I don't have my best friend for this conversation, old man will manage just fine.

"That's good," he smiled.

"God!" I sighed, "You are my father. You must be really mad at me and by the way I told you because I don't have much people to talk to and Kate is busy in her own stuff."

"Kate must be your best friend," he replied. This is turning really awkward. For a second I looked at him and made a face that clearly says 'really?' with two exclamatory marks and a big question mark. "The guy seems good to me."

"His mother invited us for dinner and I am feeling so tensed for the same." I told.

"It will be fine," he assured.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so nice to me?" I asked taking another bite.

"Well," he sighed, "I am sorry." He said taking another deep breath, "I am sorry I behaved that way. I said you things I shouldn't and I feel awful. I was drunk Andria and you are my daughter and my only family left. Hurting you is the last thing I intend to do."

Well this seems unbelievable. I can write a theory on differentiation of 'various moods swings of my father'. But somehow it feels good. I am glad he apologized. I really needed this.

"I am sorry too," I said as I moved towards him and placing my head on his shoulder.

"How about we go to Statue of Liberty tomorrow? I'll drive you," he asked. Are you kidding me? I am sure my mouth was open for seconds before I could react to him. My jaw ceased into a curve I couldn't resist to tell what we call is smile.

"That will be great daddy," I said hugging him one more time and then we ate in silence.

I was more than happy. I was relieved that he took a step to make an effort and right now it was more than everything. I feel so good that he actually wanted to connect with me and right now it means the world to me. Lately everything fells so prefect to me. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up. Let it be like this. Tomorrow is going to be a best day of my life.


Any ideas?

what do you think, will it be her best day?

well, you will have to wait to find it out :)

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