Chapter 5

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After reaching home the first thing I did was to call my best friend Kate.

"Hey!" she said almost as energetic as Shakira in 'hips don't lie', how is daddy's girl?"

"Daddy's girl is fine." I told, but let's come straight to the point, "I met someone in the city,"

"Who is he?" Is he smart? Oh my God!" she totally screamed and I was like calm down baby. I burst into laughter and then she again continued, "Come on I'm dying to hear it."

"Okay okay," I smiled, "I was in historical museum and I bumped into this guy. You remember Liam?" I asked.

"Liam as in your brother's best friend?" she asked and before I could answer she said, "It's him isn't it?"

"Yes!" I screamed and we ended up talking for another fifteen minutes.

"But don't forget, 'chicks before dicks'!" she laughed and hung up the phone.

I had great time with Liam. He is smart, cute and funny. Plus he bears with my joke of being Jack's little sister. I walked down to the gate. It was already 8:30 and why am I worrying. I am not at Nisha's home, and the guy who by the way is my father doesn't give a fuck whether I come back at 8 or at 10. Thank god he did let me stay. I was actually worried about that. It is fucking cold out here. I rang the door bell and the old man was fuming.

"I don't like my guest coming late back home," he said. Can't you say 'You are my daughter; I want you to be back by 7'o clock.'

"Are you angry because I am late?" I asked and smiled.

"I don't really care, you know." He replied back furiously. Oh, you do actually.

"Then it shouldn't matter to you, which it does by the way," I blurt as I walked past him to the kitchen, "What are we having for dinner?"

"I already ate," he replied. Excuse me, I am not amused.

"What about me?" I asked. Oh you are not 12 year old kid, you are eighteen.

"Carrots," he smiled.

Oh god I am not having carrots for dinner. Anything but not carrots. I went into the kitchen and peel myself some carrots. Am I a rabbit?

Both of us sat on the sofa and did nothing. Should I ask him something? Yes I probably should.

"So, daddy," I started off before he cut me off.

"I am not your daddy,"

"Yes, you are," I replied taking a carrot into my mouth. I'm gonna get some Chinese noodles in here tomorrow, "Do you still play?" I asked referring to the old piano on the other side of sofa.

"No, I don't," he replied and that fact makes me sad. All I remember that his love for playing piano was beyond my reach. I've learnt my ballet from his music.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't like to," he said as he stood up, "I have made some lasagna. It's in the microwave. You can have it after you finish these carrots,"

He cares. He totally cares for me. I smiled at him miserably.

"Stop with this stupid smile," he said. I got up from sofa, putting plate of carrots on the table as I went towards him. I hugged him so hard making him so hard to breathe, just like I imagined only that he didn't hug me back. He didn't love me back. He didn't accept me back. Just.

I had tears in my eyes. It is an emotional moment for me.

"Thank you," was all I could say and took lasagna from the microwave which wasn't as tasty as you think. I would rate it eatable, but it was worth a million dollar meal for me because he did it for me, and I love him for this. And night was so sweet like this until I slept on that sofa again.


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