chapter 42

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Not that they took Andria away from me but the waiting for an update in the waiting room consumes me. I sat there with her blood on my t-shirt. The sight of her in blood still haunts me and chases me and takes me and these lights, they kills me from the inside.

Her blood...

Her shivering body...

"Leslie!" Natalie came running towards me as I looked at her. She hugged me tightly. "I am so sorry," she whispered. I held into her tightly, hugging her back and accepting her embrace lovingly. I saw mum and my father came towards me hugging me and giving me sympathy and helping me.

"Is she alright?" they'd ask me and I will be quiet waiting for the doctors to come back to me and to tell me that she is fine. To their answer I will just sit there numb eyes aching to find her lost soul. It's been two hours since she's gone away from me.

Two fucking hours

I sat there with my parents and Natalie waiting there patiently and impatiently in my own heart. I waited and waited... it's feels so cruel to give her life to unknown people. It feels so...sad. They say in hospitals people make their most honest prayers with god. So let me be honest. Let me be cruel. Let be because dear Lord, she doesn't deserves any of this. What she deserves is to be loved whole-heartedly, accepted truly and to shine brilliantly. She is an angel in my own world, light in my own darkness and eyes of the blind. There is no place I rather be than to be not next to feel her breath, to see her twinkling eyes and to make her pancakes... she fucking love it.

Three fucking hours

Four fucking hours

I sat there still, waiting to hear from doctors. What all I know is she is in some kind of surgery and I am frightened from life to death. I am afraid.

"Liam?" Natalie sat beside me as she put her hand on my things waking me up from my own nightmares...I just look at her and she gave me a faded smile.

"I couldn't tell her," I told her in my breaking voice.

"Shhh..." she quiets me, "I am pretty sure she had heard it," she said caressing my hand.

"I can't lose her, Nat," I confessed as a tear slid down my eye. This pain is unbearable. This pain is unreal.

"You won't," she said, "You won't. I've called her brother and told him about this whole thing. They are on their way," she tells me. she was just helping me.

"Her dad?" I asked because I was so captivated with Andria that I have forgotten about him completely.

"The doctors have stopped his bleeding. They say he will be alright," she told me as I felt a bit relieved that he is okay. "She will be fine too." Nat assured. "Hold on to hope."

"I do..." I said as a whisper, "I do..."

Five fucking hours

"Who is Andria's immediate family?"a doctor came out from the ICU. I looked at him with a ray of hope. At a moment I stood up washing away my tears.

"I am," I told. My father stood right with me squeezing me on my shoulder.

"Andria White has been successfully operated in the surgery," he tells us. I closed my eyes for a second taking a deep breath. I put both my hands on my face, taking it all in.

Feeling it all.

Healing it all.

"But she is still not awake. We are still keeping her in ICU to see if there's any internal injury." The doctor tells us as she went ahead. I feel if my prayers have been hear.

I was crying...and smiling.

Thank lord.

I hugged my dad as if I was a five year old boy. My mother hugged Natalie and tears of joy didn't stop. I never thought that there will be a day like this. That womanizer, the drunk bastard, a dickhead will cry over a girl, a girl who inspires who channels me who makes me feel alive.

"I think dad, all should go and stretch your legs for a while. I think I will just manage fine." I said, so happy to see my whole family standing there for me, praying on behalf of me.

"Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, I am here with Leslie," Natalie came forward, "We'll be fine."

"You should go too," I asked Natalie.

"What in the world do you think? I will leave you alone? I am not leaving you. I am staying." I didn't argue just nodded in agreement, "We'll call if she wakes up."



IllusionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora