chapter 20

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As soon as I entered the house I saw the whole of house upside down. I went in and saw some liquor all over the place. I went ahead and saw a gesture curled up holding a pillow within tightly on the floor. Soon I realized it was my dad and who one else? He was enchanting something and saying something doesn't know about. I leaned in closer as I put my hand through his shoulder as he jerked it off so hurriedly.

"There's fire!" he said as his face was sweating like anything, "Save Maria!"

What is it? What is happening?

"Daddy!" I screamed touching him again, "You are fine. There is no fire. Everything is alright."

"My daughter is on first floor," he said hurriedly as he tightly hugged the pillow. I rubbed his back then relaxing as I soothed his face, "Listen to me."

"Save them," he cried. Tears flooding down his cheek and eyes red as ever. This is the worst scene I've seen in years. "Save Maria!"

He focused on her name again. I looked at him helplessly.

Damn it I am fucking losing it. What the fuck is happening?

Take a deep breath.

Call 911.

"Go and save Maria?!" he kept enchanting her name as I called 911. My hands were shivering.

"What's the emergency?"

"He- lying there...calling out my mother," I said stumbled to say the exact words, "he is lying there, not responding and I am really worried. Please help me."

"What's your address?"


The ambulance came faster that I thought. I thought of calling Liam and then I realized it was already 2 a.m. in the morning and my phone's dead. And he would be last person I'd call and ask to come over. I was patiently waiting in the lobby as daughter examined and called me over.

The fear was creeping in my veins. It was killing my own self laughing at my destiny and devil smiled on my foolishness. I can't lose him. I am sorry I reacted that way but everyone's should be given one last chance. I kept waiting for doctor to come for some updates. I was that little eight year old girl again who put flower on her mother's casket one last time before her daddy left her and I swear this isn't happening. None of this is supposed to happen.

I wasn't supposed to fall for my brother's best friend.

My dad didn't accept me.

Nisha didn't hear the thirteen year old girl begging in front of her.

None of this was supposed to happen.

My mother wasn't supposed to die.

Jack wasn't supposed to fuck Kate.

I wasn't supposed to be like this helpless woman.

Drowning in fear

Aching in heart

It's an illusion startled by faith

I didn't realize when I fell asleep as I was suddenly woke by the sweeper cleaning the lobby. I realize it was already seven and I need to see if my father's okay. I know he is. He has to be. I am nervous on 10 in a scale from 1 to ten and this is unacceptable. I got myself some coffee as I sat back again in front of my father's room and waited for doctors to explain what just happened.


"Andria?" the doctor asked. I was still lost in thoughts. I saw my mother's death although I couldn't remember it. I've felt pain and rejection. I've been by my own father because he said I was his bad luck and I bought my mother to dead. What if I lose him?

"Miss White?" the doctor calls out rejected again as I faced him. he was an old man similar to my father's age. I looked at him wiping my own tears as he continued, "This is not the first time Mr. White had attacks. I was going through some records and I found out he's been there before as well. I consulted Mrs. Jackson who was later working on this course." he said as he relaxed a bit and continued, "Relax child, there's nothing to worry. When something reminds him of that incident time flashes back and tries to live those memories and suddenly tries to do undo things. He tries to save the ones he has lost, just like you explained earlier," he continued taking a deep breath, "This is an anxiety disorder. I had his blood sampled and I found out, he's not taking the medications seriously. You have to make sure he does so plus come for regular check up."

"Is he...going to be fine? I was really worried about him." I confessed as I looked at him facing my fears.

"He is going to be fine. You just walked into his life. You are the living memory of that incident." He said and the last sentence broke my heart into million pieces. Was it my fault?

I might be the living memory but my intentions were never to lead him to hospital. I need to get my off this. I need air. I need comfort. I need Liam.

"Andria," the doctor said as he stood up and I did too, "I won't recommend you to meet him instantly until I know he is fine. So you can go home stretch your legs and I'll call you when he will be in the state to meet you, okay?"

I just nodded. I need to leave.

"Call me soon," I said as I left his office walking down the lobby. As soon as I came out from the window the wind caught up my skin. The cool breeze blew through my hair. How much New York has changed my life. How much different than the girl I was before and how much I was dependent on Liam for comfort. I should call him and tell him I need to see him. I know he'd be at his home. My phone is dead. I will just crash his home and see him anyways.


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