chapter 37

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Those three words came as a slap to me. I don't know if I love her. Do I? She was the most fucking perfect broken piece of my life. She is something I'd never get even after spending all my wealth. She is the most stunning woman I've seen in my life. I just wanted her to her know that she is the reason I want to live my life and I am so sorry that I've hurt that pretty girl.

So humble.


I wish if I could take it all away


She cannot possibly love me. I don't know what to say. Should I say it back and mean it? Do I mean it? Her hands roam around my chest and stomach and that was the most pleasing touch that I've ever experienced. This is something I would never get my fill of. This is something always appealing to me. This is something.

Fucking Andria and her fucking brown eyes...

I pulled her in front of me so that I could look at her perfect face. Those brown eyes that say how much she wanted to feel loved, all the love she has seen and all the lies she had told.


"I want you," I said as hugged her and kissing her so that I could possibly tell her how much I wanted her. Our tongues twirled around each other tasting each other as much we wanted each other, "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever come across," I said between our kisses.

"I love you," she repeated herself again, "I love you so much,"

Why couldn't I say them back to her? Why do I need to think twice before I could return the love to her? Fuck me already.


Oh stop it! You god dammed mind!

"Umm..." she said as both of us pulled ourselves back, "I have to go home Liam," she was disappointed. She wanted to hear those words. She wanted to know if she will be loved back.

"Yeah," I said, "I'll drop you off."

"No," she said as she grabbed her purse, "I'll manage just fine."

"Let me..."I said walking after her to open the door, "at least open the door to you." I said as I opened the door for her. "Peter will drop you home," I told her referring to my driver.

"Okay," she said. She felt different. Her voice asked me questions I didn't intend to answer. "I will see you then." She said walking outside.

"Hey Ria," I referred to her first name as I held her hand pulling me closer to her and enclosing her with a quick kiss on her beautiful naked pink lips. I closed my eyes and let myself feel it already. The warmth and the ownership consumed me.

Fuck me already.

"How can I leave you without a good bye kiss?" I smiled foolishly only to see her smile back. She turned back and walked ahead. I closed the door and what the fuck just happened?


I don't know, I wanted to say those three words back to her.

"I love you," that's all it was. It's not that I haven't said those words to anyone but she wasn't just anyone and certainly she means the world and the universe to me. If I'm going to say back those words to her and I will, I just want to mean it.

My phone vibrated to see it was Natalie's call.

"Hey!" I said ignoring those 'I love you' and shit that just happened,

"What's up?"

"Just wanted to remind you that today is my birthday and that you had no fucking clue about it." She said angrily. She is so pissed at me right now. I deserved it.

"Is it 27th May?" I asked foolishly, off course it is. "Shit!" I sighed.

"You better have a good reason, because I am not going to be pleased anytime soon. I can't believe that you out of all the people will forget my birthday!" she said loudly and angrily.

One girl says me 'I love you' and I forget the birthday of my favorite girl and I deserve a slap on the face with a chair.

"I am sorry Nat," I apologized genuinely.

"Apology not accepted," she said, "You will have to make it up to me."

"I will make it up to you," I replied despondently, "Andria said 'I love you' to me,"

"The guy with the hot body says what?" she replied shockingly, "Did you say it back?"

"I couldn't," I sighed. "I know I'm a dick."

"Because you don't mean it or because you are afraid," she asked. I stood quiet and grasping for words to say something. "I know you love her Leslie. I've known that since you saved her on the pool from Emily and I've seen how much you respect her, but Leslie you will have to tell her back. You will have to tell her you are ready. You will have to tell her you want to be in this commitment. You just have to tell her you are not afraid."

"What if I ruin things for her?" I argued, "Nat, she has faced a lot of problems. What if I couldn't make it up to her? What if I hurt her?"

"Do you think she will be able to sleep tonight knowing that she just confessed you something which is harder for most of the girls? I am not saying you should tell her something that you don't mean it. Just tell her how much she means to you. Just tell her what you feel so that she can sleep tonight peacefully and not questioning herself if she should have said it or not. Tell her what she means to you Les," Natalie explained. And that is why this girl is better that most of the chicks I've met.

"I love you Natalie," I smiled. The honesty of those words are more than I've ever felt.

"Off course you do," she said beautifully.

"Happy birthday Natalie," I wished, "I promise I will make it up to you."

"Off course you will," she laughed, "And I am not expecting anything less than Gucci. You better get me something great."

"I swear to God, whatever you need."

"Now don't waste your time and tell the girl. She has one good point, I like her. Good night, Leslie."

Call her or should I go over to her place. Saying her that I love her over the phone is totally bullshit. I am coming baby. I am coming to get you.


The fact that he didn't say the words back or the fact that I told me a part of me that I have kept myself away from still haunts me. This entire thing still feels I don't know how and what it feels. I feel humiliated. He didn't say it back or maybe he never felt it back.

I had tears caught up in my eyes and damn you Andria White if you let these tears fall from your face.

I wanted to hear it back. I just wanted to know if he really feels the same way. I felt unloved. I felt used. I felt uneasy.

I just wanted to hear those words so badly that the light doesn't ignite. Before getting out from the car my phone rang and there he was. It was his call.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," I smiled. The driver pulled the car and I went outside from the car with my bag and phone on my ear. His voice just the sound like of ocean, his face just the best you can ever ask from.

"How are you?" he asked.

"We just met." I smiled as I looked for keys inside my bag. How am I? I think I just love you.

"There's something I wanted to tell you. But you left too soon," he gave a small laugh. I saw that the door wasn't locked. How careless my father is. "So Andria White?" I smiled at the coy tone of his voice, "Do you know that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I smiled at his comment as I walked inside my house.


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