Chapter 9

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"Okay we are here," he signed he didn't particularly look very happy. He was tensed. Was it because of me? I don't know.

"Are you okay?" I said as he put the belt off and I did the same. I, then checked my hair and face for one last time before leaving. I was disturbed as he pulled me towards him and had a heavy grip on my arm. I was suddenly awestruck by this sudden reaction. I looked at his deep blue eyes and nasty dark brown hair.

"Andria," he took a deep breath, "Do not talk much. Do not show any tantrums there. We both are just good friends and nothing at all. Just try to avoid these people. They aren't what you think they are," he warned. I was suddenly feeling strange. He was giving instructions how to meet his friends which I find strange. I can be very annoying but I am not someone who needs instructions before meeting some group of people. It hurts. And coming out of his mouth makes it worse.

"Liam, you think I need instructions before meeting your friends?" I asked despondently.

"No, you don't need any instructions," he told as I looked away from him to hide my disappointment, "Hey look at me."

"Its fine Liam," I said as curved my lips into a fake smile.

"I didn't mean that Andria. These people, they are different."

"I get it." I told as I let my arm off from his hand, "I won't embarrass you." I said as I went out from the car.

"Andria," he said getting out and running after me as he held my hand and stopped me, "please try to understand me. You are taking it all in the wrong way."

"Mr. Cole," an unusual voice interrupted us as Liam put his hand on small of my back. He was wearing a suit and he in his mid forties.

"Mr. Benjamin," Liam smiled as both of them greeted each other by shaking their hands.

"Miss?" Mr. Benjamin asked as he offered his hand to me. I sincerely took his hand.

"White," I responded, "I'm Andria White," silly girl. He kissed my hand and Liam held me a little tighter. He owns me. He destructs me. I feel him.

"I was just leaving Mr. Cole. The party's on twenty second floor. Take the lift from the left ally. Your friends are waiting for you. Enjoy the party son." He said, "Miss White," he nodded at his farewell. This is not what I thought of Liam's friends. He is quite older than I thought.

"That's what I am talking about," he said as he moved in that strangely beautiful building. I'm a simple middle class girl. I haven't experienced luxuries. I was shy and scared. I was looking like how dobby first looked at Harry Potter.

"Here," Liam said as one of the guards opened the door for us, "take my hand," he said offering his hand to me. I took his hand reluctantly. He didn't really have smooth skin. But he has perfect hands when my hands fixed in his. Later on our way to the lift, I saw a lady in mid forties wearing a red sexy dress. She had lots and lots of makeup. As soon as she saw us she came running towards us smashing me out of the way. Liam smiled as both of them hugged.

What a crap?

"Mrs. Agnes," Liam said ending the hug as he took her hand and kissed it affectionately. Oh great! Kiss her. Kiss her on the lips.

"Liam!" she said as she embraced his cheeks with her hand, "how are you doing?"

"I am doing amazing Elena," he said. Elena. Or should I say elderly women trying to flirt with a handsome guy. Get off you lady. You can't have what is mine and surely by the look you are not his either.

"Oh dear," she said referring to me, "it is so bad of us to ignore a pretty woman,"

"Hi!" I greeted. You finally got time to see me. You bitch. Pretty woman my ass.

"Elena, this is my girlfriend Andria," he introduced us holding me from the waist and I am damn sure I had the most amazing feeling in the world. He kind of even if it is a lie said if I am his girlfriend and the way he is holding me looks like he own me, "Honey, this is Elena." When did I become his girlfriend? Or am I hearing way too much?

Liam firmed his grip reminding me to answer or respond something.

"Elena it is so nice to meet you," I told her although I didn't mean it. I knew she can never be his someone. Isn't it too much?

"Yeah whatever," she responded, "When did this become your choice?" What did she just said? She just insulted me. Do not react Andria. I felt so bad. I feel like a crushed Pepsi can in a dustbin. Am I not the kind of someone Liam would probably hangout with? Am I that bad?

"She is a wonderful woman, Elena; and I would request you not to say something like this to her," he said as he pulled me closer and put his hand on my shoulder. He was really tall and his hand was really heavy, "Now, please excuse us. We have a party to attend. It was great meeting you though."

"Pleasure was all mine," she said and walked her fine ass off hurriedly.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked and smiled. Not smiling actually but blushing miserably.

"You could have thanked me for saving you from Elena. She would have torn you with her claws," he told as we entered the elevator.

"Mine are sharper honey," I laughed and emphasized on the word honey.


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