chapter 39

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Liam's soothe voice was the perfect plaster to my broken bone. His voice had healing tendencies and for a minute I forgot about everything that happened with me, or happening with me.

"Do you know you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen?" he asked as I thought god, where is this conversation going to. I entered my house and saw my father crippled on the floor with blood bleeding out from his hand. There was so much blood. It seemed like he was drowning in his own blood.

No No No!

I entered the room running towards him. I dropped my phone as somebody held my wrist tightly making me to scream wildly, "Aaaaaaaaaaaa". I screamed in pain. My daddy's eyes were closed. I feared if he was alright.

The person who held my wrist threw me beside my father and I saw the evil face of Anderson appeared in front of me. I looked at my father drained out of blood. I looked at him shaking his body as he opened his eyes regaining consciousness and smiling at me. Smiling that he loved me. That maybe this is the last time I am looking at living him.

"Nooooooooooooo!" I screamed wishing my angels to hear me, hoping that maybe they'll save this Andria.

"Daddy," I said ignoring Anderson as whole as I put my hand from where he was bleeding so that maybe at least stop the bleeding for once. The wicked grin appeared on Anderson's face and I just wanted to smack the shit out of me. "Daddy everything is going to be fine."

"Daddy's little girl!" Anderson laughed coming closer and bending towards me and engulfing my hair in his tight grip and pulling me closer to him, "I've missed that pretty face of you."

"Fuck you!" I said loud and clear. Not wanting to show how afraid I was of him. I wanted to cry deep in tears. He pulled me closer as the pain developed. I let out a wicked scream. He slapped my face so tightly that I remembered how it was to be that helpless thirteen year old girl. My father looked at me unable to move as a tear escaped his eyes. I know he feel that pain.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter," his voice breaks as his eyes filled with those tears. No! I couldn't stop as the tears flung down breaking me, chasing me, trembling me, killing me momentarily. My white shirt was colored in my father's blood. I was scared from life to death. I just want to live a little than to be afraid.

It has to pass.

I am not done yet.

He stood up not leaving my hair so I had to stand up too along with him. He released my hair as he pressed my cheeks with his hands, "I've missed this perfect face of yours." He said smashing me to our old piano. I crashed the piano with my stomach so I felt that unending pain. "By the way does your father know about our little private time that we used to have?"

How can he be so disgusting? I looked at my father with guilt and humiliation. He let out another sob as he whispered 'sorry'. I could read it from his mouth.

"Stay away from me!" I said as loud as I possibly could, "Stay the fuck away from me!" I said as I ran in the kitchen and searched for a knife. I will cut him if I had to. He came running after me. He grabbed me from behind pulling me into him. He held me from my waist and it was so cruel. His fingers were digging into my skin and I cried for help. I hushed and found a knife challenging him to take one more step. He left me alone as he smashed me and my left side of body was hit with marble.

"Now I wouldn't recommend you to play with something like that, baby doll," he said as he went back to living room and he pulled out a chair from the piano as he placed it near my father. "Do you have something to drink?" he asked as he sat near my father.

"I will kill you!" I screamed and trying to fight harder.

"Kill me?" he laughed and that was the fiercest sound that I've ever heard. He stood up as he took off his coat put it on the chair as he kicked my father on the stomach. My father cried in pain and I couldn't do anything. "Drop the knife and come here." He commanded me. My eyes looking at my father. He was so much wounded.

"Andria, go away!" My father said as I looked at him with pity. That my past had led to his misery, that this guy just I couldn't put it in my words. He is my family. I love my father. "This is what families are for" he coughed as a shiver passed on my spine, "Go baby!"

"Daddy!" I cried in pain dropping the knife and coming closer, "Leave my dad out of this."

"Gladly," he said coming closer as he touches my bare skin sending the horrified vibes throughout my body. "Let's get over with what we started when Nisha found out about us." He said as he pulled my closer, his hand on my waist pulling me closer and kissing me. I stand there in disgust as he slapped my face and tears never stopping. He slapped me again as he smiled. I could feel the iron taste at end of my upper lip. It was my blood. He was smiling as he touched me and I stood there trying to fight him. He pulled me as my father kept on crying and I was haunted.

Somebody help me!

"No!" I fight back, "Leave me the fuck alone!" he grabbed me slapping me again. He threw me on the table as I smashed it with my head. My head was bleeding now. He makes me stand up by grabbing my hair pulling them apart from my skull. He threw me on the sofa, "No!" I was crying screaming and nothing was of any use. He pulled out a gun from his trousers as he pointed it in front of me.

"Because of you wicked bitch," he said pulling the gun and aiming at me, "I had to spend bloody five years in jail," he said coming closer as he aimed towards my father. Words I couldn't find to stop him. "Watch me" he said firing a bullet towards my father and laughing endlessly.

"No!" I screamed, "Daddy!" I don't know if he'd been hurt or not. I stood up fighting off his hands from me. I kicked him, slapped him and nothing seems to be at use. "Daddy!" I screamed again but I wasn't getting any response from his side. There was just horror.

There was broken thirteen year old girl asking her aunt to listen to her.

There was that broken eight year girl too who screamed for her daddy in fire.

There was a broken twenty year old girl screaming at her faith and demons.

"Missed the shot!" he smiled. A relief went through me knowing that he was alright. He slapped me again smashing me on sofa. "I swear as fuck that I wouldn't miss this shot," he said as he aimed the gun towards me.

Take me.

Break me.

Create me.

End me.

Suddenly the door swung open as some men entered. I guess they'll help me maybe. I wondered what death feels like. Will it be painless?




"Save Andria!" my father said. I closed my eyes as a part of me felt that end was near and relief that my father was alright. "Save her, please," he begged. I closed my eyes as if I wanted to let go and wanting to sleep. I was tired. My face was hurting. I was hurting.

"Drop the gun!" one of the man screamed, "Drop________"


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