Chapter 29

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"Ryan!" Liam exclaimed looking at Ryan. Yes, you can totally ignore me as if I am invisible.

"Liam!" he laughed off as both of them hugged manly and I stood there wicked. That fucking piece of beauty stands in front of me knowing we both shared a past and a lie. Silly girl!

"Miss White," Liam extended his hand to me, which at first I hesitated to take but I did looking at Ryan eyeing me to do so.

"Mr. Cole," I took his hand as he gently squeezed it proving me some point. After exchanging glances and giving him a murderous look I took my hand back as a girl in a red sexy dress barge in.

"Hey!" he said to Liam as they hugged and then she turned around to face me.


What the fuck?

"Hi!" she smiled to me. What an ugly fake smile you've got bitch.

"Hi," I smiled back as thousands of nails just stabbed into my heart. Kill me please. The same girl who I saw him with, the same girl who kissed his lovely mouth, "Hey Ryan"

"Hi Emily. It's lovely to see you and that dress is amazing," he smiled and yes her dress was so damn beautiful.

"So Liam whom are you investing in?" Ryan asked sheepishly. Come on Ryan you sound so desperate.

"Come on man!" Liam hissed. Sexy son of a bitch, "but I'd definitely want a presentation from your company, I'm sure you have worked you ass off. Forgive me for my words though. And I'd to see more of your acquaintance."

"Miss White is assistant manager in the project. She is one of the most hardworking people I've met." Ryan complimented me in front of two fucking bastards.

"Indeed," he smiled looking at me. I stood there trying to find words but instead I kept quiet. They don't deserve it. "I'll get myself a drink."

"Care if I join you?" Ryan asked Liam as both of them walked off to the bar leaving me with the bitch.

"I don't think we had met," she smiled as she looked at me.

"Trust me, I've had enough of you already," I jerked her off.

"What I don't understand is what does he sees in you. I mean you are not hot. Absolutely," She smiled as she rolled her eyes on me, "what is it about you?"

"What you don't have," I looked at her confidently as I waited for few seconds, "Self-respect."

"Oh come on!" she smiled, "I know him since high school and you are not his type and I would give away whatever he asks me just to have him."

"Well all the best," I hissed cursing her in my mind, "when you can fuck him when I was still with him so I am sure as fuck you can do anything to get under his pants. Guess what you can have all of fucking him and I don't give a fuck. So you can shove your pretty ass and leave me fucking alone." I held my smile still making sure no scene is created.

"Well, I am pretty as fuck sure even he doesn't want any of you. But Andria, either you take this as a warning or a homecoming present, if I find you any near him or if you do anything, I will make sure you will experience hell," she stared right into my eyes, "I mean every fucking word. So just don't even think about coming between."

"Don't worry!" I laughed off. "But do ask Liam what he was ding two days back in a club with me. And don't forget to ask him about the details about our kiss" I jerked her off, "Now if you will excuse me." I said walking off straight to the bar as I ordered few drinks and drink them without even tasting it.


Bitch deserved it.

"Having a good time?" A female voice interrupted me while I was taking third drink. I looked back to see who it was. It was Liam's best friend Natalie. Before I could react she captured me into a great bear hug.

"Hi Natalie!" I smiled, "Care to join me for a drink?"

"Yes," she smiled ordering the drink, "What did Liam do?"

"What do you mean by that?" I gulped the drink within seconds and I saw Liam looking at me. Talk about his attention.

"You know exactly what I mean," she sighed as she asked me to stand up, "Don't tell me Emily is involved, I saw you both talking and it didn't seem good."

Well I tried really hard to keep the conversation good, didn't I?

"He was cheating on me with her. I saw them both almost naked at Liam's house and trust me I don't want to talk about this. Every time I try to get away from him or at least try to get away from him, all of this just gets pulling me closer and I don't know what I can do. I just don't want his gorgeous face coming all over again and again bringing the bad with good. I don't want to think about him but he is the only thing I want to think about. I have worked really hard to be here. I have promised Ryan that I will make sure his hard work pays off and just look at me so distracted. So much of him is killing me." I confessed taking another drink soon taken aback by Natalie.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed as she sipped my drink, "Alcohol helps but after effects are worse!" she smiled as she put her hand over my shoulder, "He is complicated Andria. He is not what he shows. Trust me I've been in love and yeah it took me time to let go of him because no matter what, once you fall in love with somebody you cannot un-love them." She gave me a wicked smile, "So don't just try to hate him already. Perhaps time will heal everything. And I am sure no matter how and what Liam is, he wouldn't cheat on a girl like you."

"He did that part," I told her my face completely pale and I can lose it anytime soon.

"Hey Natalie," Liam's voice echoed my ears as I turned around to see him. He gave a small kiss to Natalie on her cheeks and then hugging her beautifully.

"Andria do not drink too much," he grinned as I ignore him and took another drink from the waiter passing by.

"I wouldn't suggest drinking Andria," Natalie suggested.

"Excuse me," was all I said as I walked past them with drink in my hand and gulping it again without considering their warnings.

"Care to join me for a dance?" A manly voice asked me while I was sitting and drinking alcohol. I look upon to see who it was. He was wearing a very light blue suit with a white shirt. He looked nice. He had his deep black hair and brown eyes. He gave his hand which I took without thinking twice.

"I am Robert," he smiled as he pulled me on the dance floor, "May I know your name?"

"Andria," I smiled as he put his hand on my waist and both of us gracefully danced.

"May I know the reason of a beautiful sitting alone in a party?" he asked. Come on flirting with me will be the last thing you want to know. I am not in mood. But why, "Who is the guy?"

The guy is hot and totally into you. Why do people think that this has something to do with a guy?

"Robert," I smiled as I put my hand on his chest teasing him, "Not all beautiful girls have guys on their mind. And sometimes it's just the push of alcohol you know," I giggled as he pulled me closer, "Tell me something about yourself?"

"Well sweetheart," he smiled coyly, "cannot imagine you being alone here in a party like this. And I am just a guy working really hard in Maximum Enterprises. People call me their boss and my only boss is the one above all." He smiled pulling me closer.

"Mr. Robert Greene?" I asked foolishly as the estrogen kicks in and I realized he is the fucking owner of the company. Oh my god!

"I was really enjoying your company until you were so much lost in your thoughts unaware of who I am," he frowned, "I like being unknown."

And Liam was unknown to me too.

"Would you mind taking away your companion for a dance?" The boy who broke my heart and now isn't letting me move on interrupted our conversation as both of us let go of each other.

"Mr. Cole," Robert smiled as he backed off. Liam in return gave him a crooked smile.


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