Chapter 1

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Kendall's POV

I just got off the train and now I'm looking for my father. I don't think he knows what I look like since the last time I was like 10 or something I know what he looks like because I watch the X factor all the time. I was walking around when I heard someone call my name I turned around and I couldn't realize who was calling me that's when I saw a man in a black suit carrying a white piece of paper with my name on it, of course my father wouldn't come and pick me up. I walked over to the man and said "I'm Kendall", and started walking to the exit to find the car. The man started to catch up to me and told me that the car was over in the corner so I walked over there and of course there is a fancy car waiting for me.

*skipping car ride*

We just pulled up to the house and it is HUGE!!


I got out of the car and walked around to the back and grabbed my bag and suit cases and started walking to the front door. I opened the door and walked in to find a huge foyer, I just started walking into what seems like a living room and just dropped my stuff and called out "DADDDD????" No one answered so I just laid down on the couch and eventually started to fall asleep.


Well that was the first chapter, I hope u guys liked it, I'm sorry if there is any punctuation or spelling errors. tootles!!

-Ashton <3

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