bald guys

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Don't you hate it when you wake up and you don't know where the fuck you are? I sure as hell do. Cause I mean what if you've been kidnapped? You how much that would suck? I mean especially if you lived where I live now. I mean I wouldn't of minded if someone kidnapped me from certain foster homes. But not where I live now. And it's not just cause of how big the house is. It's cause of the people.

What was it that someone famous said? It's the people that make the home not the home itself? I don't know. Anyway. I woke up in an unknown room, with an unknown dude standing in front of where I was laying, with his back facing me. He wore a white lab coat, and was bawled.

I'm just going to come out and say it. I hate bald guys. Not cause they don't have hair. But because so far every bald guy I've ever met has turned out to be a total jackass. Not saying that there isn't any good bald guys out there. But I've had the worst luck when it comes to bald men. So every time I see one. I'm automatically on alert. And this one is wearing a white lab coat. So I was very alert, cause when there is a lab coat, there is needles, knife's, and other creepy shit that would hurt if they used it on you.

I watched the guy that was standing in front of me. I didn't move. I didn't want him to know I was awake. Cause you know....he was a bald guy. Yet some how I don't know if I breathed wrong or what but this guy some how knew I was awake. Or maybe he was just lucky at guessing.

"Welcome back to the world Max."

Yeah he best be very very good at guessing if he knew my name.

I didn't respond.

"I'm doctor Miles. Or Doctor M for short. Your choice." He said as he turned around to face me.


He was a fat guy, with a big fucking beard. His hair must of crawled form his head to his face. That's unfortunate. He wore some weird looking goggle glass's, and had on scrubs. I couldn't even fucking see what color his eyes are cause of his weird glass's.

"Never heard that one before." He said.

What is he talking about?

"You said you found my hair. I 've never heard that one before." He smiled.

He had a nice smile. Straight teeth.

"Brace's help a lot." He said.

What the hell! He is reading my mind!!!

"No I'm not reading your mind sweetie. Your just saying everything your thinking outloud." He said smiling at me.


"Yes. Well. It's not your fault. I gave you a little something for your panic attack, and this is one of the side effects. But don't worry it should wear off soon." He smiled as he made his way over to me.

"Stop. Don't come closer." I said, I tried to sound forceful. But it came out more drunk like than anything.

"Max, I'm not going to hurt you ok." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Your bawled. Your mean! Don't come any closer." I said glaring at him.

I watched as his face contorted into of of cunfussion. "What?"

"Your a mean bawled guy." I said glaring at him. "Where's Travis?" I was shocked that I asked about Travis before I asked about Pat.

"He's in the waiting room." He said not looking at me anymore, but down at my blanket covered body. Causing me to become uncomfortable. "I'll go get him." He said not moving his gaze until he started towards the double doors that must lead to a waiting room.

I took this time to look around the room.

White. Everything was white. The walls. Floor, ceiling, night stand looking tables, the bed. The only things that weren't white were the doors, which were brown. The bed sheets, they were green, and the light. They were yellow. And the sheets that separated the beds. They were also green with weird patterns on them. God this place needs to be more colorful.

I don't know how long it's been since the doctor left. I don't think to long. But I didn't see a clock, so I wouldn't know. But just as I was about to call out and see if anyone else was in here to tell me the time. The doors burst open, and in walked (more like ran) a worried Travis.

I don't know why, but my body  felt more relaxed at the sight of him. I smiled at him.

God that drug hasn't worn off. Hopefully I don't do something stupid.

Travis smiled back at me. It wasn't his best smile. (Which I've never seen his best smile. But I knew he could do better) For some reason he burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked looking at him like he grew two heads.

"You think I can do better at smiling?"

Fuck! Thanks drugs.

"Yes." where did that come from?

"We'll see about that." He said as he started walking closer to my bed.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked looking behind him.

"In the waiting room. The doctor is talking to them. But once he said that you were asking for me, I came as fast as I could." He said as he stood on the edge of the bed, his face next to mine. He beautiful green eyes looking right at me.

"Whatever the doctor gave you, I need to ask him to give us some extra." He smiled. This time it was a better smile, but not his best.

"Why?" I tilted my head confused.

"Cause your being very honest."

"About what?"

"Well you said that I had a better smile than what I was giving you, now your saying that my eyes are beautiful. I want to see how much money it would cost to keep you like this." This time he smiled his 100 watt smile. I would gladly do anything to keep that smile on his face. "Anything?"

My face turned into one of shock. I fucking hate this drug. "GET OUT!" I yelled pointing to the door. This drug was making me say and think shit that I would usually never think. I didn't want to say anything else to Travis, and keep making a fool of myself.

"Your not making a fool of yourself. In fact, I think your really cute when you tell me how cute I am." He said giving me his perfect smile. I blushed.

SHIT! I was fucking blushing! Trying to cover my blushing up, I said "I would never call someone as cocky as you cute, and mean it." I said looking straight into his eyes.

Ok don't get mad at me ok. I'm on drugs. NOT BY CHOICE! But still I couldn't let him think that I liked him, and thought he was cute. Cause you know what would happen then? He would think he owned me. If he found out that I liked him, he would be super sweet, and kind, and loving. And just when I start to trust him, maybe even start to fall for him, he would turn into a big asshole. He would become controlling, hateful, he would might even try to abuse me. See this isn't my first rodeo. I've done this so many times that I've had everything bad that could ever happen to a person happen to me. Not just by boyfriends. But also by people who I called parents. The one's that I started to call my own, started to trust, they all ended up doing something bad to me. Even some of the foster brothers and sisters. Everyone I ever trusted turned into big assholes. Even my best friend that I've known since I was 4 turned out to be a complete asshole. And there was no way I was going to let that happen again.

The only person I trusted that hasn't let me down is Pat. And that was how it was going to stay.

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