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Close your eyes and all the possible pain in the world will go away.


It's cold.

Harry shivers and pulls his small jacket tighter over his shivering body. His eyes are wide as he scans the area. The house is tall and scary looking. Harry doesn't like it.

"Mum?" He suddenly asks his mother who is currently taking out their suitcases.

"Yes love?"

"This place is creepy. It looks like demons lived here." Harry's mother chuckles.

"Oh Harry! What a vivid imagination you have, there." Harry frowns up at the house.

"No I'm serious." He says. Anne frowns down at her son.

"What do you mean?"

"Demons have lived here and they want to eat our souls."


Harry was a strange child. He didn't have any friends and people at school always teased him. No one wanted to be his friend because they were all afraid of him.

Harry was different. He had schizophrenia, he was bipolar, and he had horrible anger issues. Harry also had hallucinations. Very bad ones. He could see demons and dead people. He could see other supernatural creatures too. Therefore, everyone avoided him.

He was very lonely. But he was twisted, even his mum knew that.
She tried to get him seen by a therapist and a psychiatrist, but neither worked. They were so afraid they all quit their job.

Harry was unique. Harry was special. But Harry was dangerous. Too dangerous.


"Harry! Oh my gosh..." Anne gasped loudly. Tears streamed down her face at the sight before her. "Harry stop! Please!" She sobbed as Harry leaned over his sister Gemma with a sharp butcher's knife. "Please...don't do this!" Gemma was crying.

"H-Harry...please stop!" Harry tilted his head to the side. Anne's eyes widened as he raised the knife.

Then he plummeted it into Gemma's heart.


Anne didn't want to call the police. She was afraid. Harry would hurt her.

"Please...Harry..." Anne would beg him to give Gemma's body to her. But Harry would sleep with it at night. He would hug it and speak to it and whisper to it. One night, Anne walked in on him whispering to Gemma in his closed off room.

"It's okay, sissy. Everything is gonna be okay." He stroked the hair of the dead and bloody body. Anne burst into tears and left the room.

She was so scared.

Harry wouldn't give the body to her, though. He refused.


Anne one time roamed Harry's room while he was at school. She gasped when she noticed weapons all over the place. What was happening to her son and HOW did he get all of these weapons?


At school, Harry sat alone during lunch. He ate his lunch quietly while the others around him whispered about him in fear. When he walked to his next class the kids around him ran away in fear. He just kept walking. It's okay.


"Please!" Anne begged her son. "Don't kill me, Harry!"

"It's okay, mummy." Harry said as he came closer with a dagger in his hand. "Don't be afraid."

"Harry don't do this! Don't-" She was cut off when the dagger went deep into her heart. Her eyes widened, and then her life stopped.

"Don't worry, mummy. I love you." Harry whispered before breaking down into tears. He sobbed and clutched his mother's body to him. "I'm sorry, mum. Please don't hate me.."


The police eventually found out and Harry didn't know how. Before that, school had gotten worse and suspicions were raised when no one paid the house bills. The kids at school whispered about him and called him rude names. They said he should go kill himself.

Harry locked himself up in his room one day and curled up into a ball. With each murder he had commit, he had video taped it. He then started a new video and turned to the noose in the corner of his room.

"Hello everyone. I am the one you want dead. I am only 16. I have done lots of bad things, but they aren't that bad once you think about it. I am not crazy. I just wanted a normal life. This house will ruin you. Anyone who ever steps foot in this house will die. I never wanted to hurt anyone. But you left me no choice." He stepped to the noose and started to list all the murder he commit. When he was done, he fitted his neck in the noose. "Now you will all watch everyone die that I killed. And lastly, you will all watch me die. For there is no place for me in this cruel world. I am empty. I am ruined. Goodbye."

And with that, he hung himself.


The house was considered a crime scene and was closed off for centuries. But soon enough, it was finally opened again. All the people that Harry killed were no where to be found.

And all the tapes? Including the suicide one. Well, they were gone too.

But everyone knew the threat in Harry's words, for everyone around him had seen his suicide video (somehow uploaded), and they all knew to stay away from the house.

For, Harry would simply kill whoever stepped foot in the house. Ever.

A.N. Hello everyone. :3 I hope you liked this! Please vote and comment and READ THE PREVIOUS AUTHORS NOTE! I love you all :) xx Thank you,

~Nia :D xoxo

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