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Harry closed the bedroom door behind them, and Louis slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Harry shifted around in his drawer and pulled out a strange vial. He poured some of it on his hand and dabbed it all over this neck and arms. He set it back in the drawer and closed it.

He slowly walked over to the bed and sat down next to Louis. Louis immediately scooted back, fear flashing in his eyes. He backed up against the wall, crawling, pressing his body against it and staring nervously at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry smiled, expecting Louis' terrified reaction. He inched closer, stretching a hand across the bed to gently take Louis' warm one. Louis shivered at the touch and gulped. Sensing his increased fear, he scooted closer until he was next to the blue-eyed boy on the bed.

"Hey, now. I told you I was going to be gentle, didn't I?" Harry said softly with a comforting squeeze to Louis' trembling hand. Louis nodded his head quickly, his skin pale. Harry leaned forward and tried to kiss him, but the boy jerked his head out of the way. Harry's face fell, and Louis immediately felt guilty.

"I-I'm sorry H-Harry...I'm really scared..." Louis felt like he might cry. He never dreamed of making love with someone and he certainly did not dream that his first one would be with a dead person. Harry's face softened.

"Louis, I'm not going to hurt you," He said gently. He gave him a soft smile. "I promise, okay? I'll be as gentle as I can." Louis dropped his eyes to their hands, and his hand grew clammy in Harry's.

"I-I don't know if I can...c-can we wait a little while longer? Maybe until I turn 18 in a year?" Panic flashed across Harry's face.

"What?! You haven't even turned 17 yet! We made a deal! Now you HAVE to go through with it!" He snapped. Louis flinched and tried to keep from sobbing.

"I-I know...b-but please Harry...I-I didn't think it was going to be this scary..." Harry glared at him.

"Listen! You promised!"

"W-Well, I actually j-just—"

"For your seventeenth birthday! But I couldn't wait any longer so we made a deal for tonight! We were going to do Christmas activities together." Louis felt a tear roll down his cheek.

"I-I'm not as ready as I thought I was. Please don't make me do this." Harry's face turned angry.

"I can't believe you! You make a promise, you break it. You give me your word, you break it. We make a deal, you break it! Can you keep anything you say?!" Louis flinched and felt hot tears roll down his cheeks. He sniffled and crunched up into a ball.

"I-I'm sorry—"

"No! Don't! You're having sex with me whether you like it or not!" Louis felt a newfound fear fill up inside of him. His heartbeat quickened and he tried to scoot away from Harry, but his back was already against the wall. Harry harshly scooted closer, reaching for the boy's shirt. Louis cried and tried to crunch away from him.

"P-Please don't Harry!" The boy sobbed. "I don't want to anymore!"

"I don't care!" Harry growled. "You better enjoy it too, I don't want our first time to be forceful." Louis let out another helpless sob at the words, and he crunched down again when Harry's eyes darkened.


"You need to enjoy this. Do you hear me?" Harry's voice was softer. Louis nodded his head quickly, too afraid to argue further. Harry's expression became gentler. "Good. Now come on, take your shirt off for me. Okay? Can you do that?" Louis hesitantly nodded his head. What was he going to do? Harry had more power over him.

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