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"How?! How is this possible?!" Louis panicked, tugging at his hair. Attempting to soothe him, Harry wrapped his arms around the distressed boy.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

"No your not." Louis growled, causing Harry to flinch.Harry pulled back and inched away, staring glumly at the forest floor.

"I'm sorry." He repeated depressingly. Louis looked at the miserable boy with guilt.

"It'It's fine. Let's just...try to get out of here." Louis grabbed Harry's hand, and Harry brightened up a bit.

"Okay." Louis tugged Harry along as he tried to remember their path. After a series of backtracks and confusion, he finally figured he found the way out.

But suddenly, a figure stopped them in their tracks...


"Where is he?" Lottie wondered aloud.

"I don't know," Fizzy answered while texting one of her friends. "Maybe he went grocery shopping, since our fridge is like...empty." Lottie opened her mouth to reply but suddenly, the girls heard crying.

"Shhh! Fiz, do you hear that?" Fizzy froze, glancing up from her phone screen.

"It sounds like someone is crying!"

"I know!"

"Where's that coming from?"

"Is it Louis?"

"I don't think so..."

"What do you mean?"

"It sounds like a woman..."


"Hello, Louis." Louis' skin paled a white shade.

"N-Niall?" Niall beamed.

"You remembered my name!"

"O-Of course I did!" He stuttered in complete panic. "How could I forget..."

"Who's this?" Niall questioned in innocent confusion. He glanced to the small boy hiding behind Louis.


Niall could see Harry?!

"The curly one behind you. Surly you see him, don't you?" Niall cocked his head to the side.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Niall suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Oh, don't act innocent, Louis," Niall snapped harshly. "I know you see him. Oh Harold, stop hiding from me." Niall smiled twistingly. Harry flinched but slowly stepped out from behind Louis.

"H-How do you know him?" Louis gasped to the blonde. Niall shrugged.

"Dead people get around." Niall replied. Louis almost fainted.

"D-Dead people?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

"What? You didn't know Harry was dead?"

"Of course I did...I just didn't know you were...um..." Louis gulped. "...dead." Niall shrugged again.

"Well, surprise."

"What do you want?" Harry spoke softly. Niall burst into laughter. The sound caused both Harry and Louis to flinch.

"And he speaks!" He choked out between laughs.

"Just tell me what you want!" Harry spoke louder, almost shouting. Niall's laughter stopped abruptly.

"i'm not here to make friendly conversation, Styles. I'm here on behalf of the king, who still awaits your arrival in the afterlife."

Louis gaped.

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