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When someone turns 17, that means they're one year closer to being 18. To being independent. To being an adult.

Louis was not excited.

He woke up the next day with a frown on his face. Harry was missing from his bed and it was his birthday. Where was the little ghost?

All of a sudden, the door bursted open and Harry and Niall game barrelling in with a cake in Harry's hands. Harry had a big grin on his face.

"Darling! I hope you're up!" He sang out cheerfully.

"Look, he is!" Niall pointed out excitedly. Louis was still trying to comprehend everything that was happening since he had just woke up.


"Oh good! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LOUIS BOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!" Harry sang at the top of his lungs. Louis flinched but a smile found its way onto his face. He bit his lip and blushed a little.

"You guys made a cake for me?" They both nodded their heads happily. Louis covered his chest up with his blanket and blushed again.

"Aww, you guys..."

"Come on!" Harry said. "Put some clothes on and join us in the kitchen." Louis nodded and waited for them to leave. When they did, Louis quickly got out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

He didn't mean to take forever in the shower, but the warm water was so compelling and he was exhausted. The previous day was spent thinking about his big decision. Was he really going to end his life for love? He pushed the thought away. All of that thinking and he still wasn't even close to deciding. It was his birthday. He shouldn't be debating about fate on his birthday.

He got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He took a deep breath and sighed when his eyes caught his reflection in the mirror. He even looked exhausted. He really needed to pretend to be happy for the sake of Harry and Niall. They spent so much time planning for his birthday...

He shook his head and instead of thinking negative thoughts, he tried to practice smiles in the mirror. He needed to look happy. He couldn't disappoint Harry and Niall.

He couldn't disappoint himself.

He quickly dried off and changed. After some time, he was ready. He slowly made his way down the stairs with a fake smile plastered across his face.

Today is my birthday. Today is my birthday.

The next day was Christmas and instead of being excited, he was depressed. His birthday and Christmas were going to be spent without his family. His life sucked.

Harry was innocently slicing pieces of cake, and when he heard Louis come in his head shot up and he smiled brightly.

"Sit down. I'm just cutting the cake." Louis nodded his head, the same fake smile on his face. Niall blinked at him.

"You okay?" D**mit Niall. Louis laughed nervously.

"Of course! I'm so happy." He mentally facepalmed.

"I'm so happy". What are you thinking Louis? Do you want them to find out that you're depressed as hell on your birthday?

And to think, he was looking forward to his birthday AND the holidays.

"Oh..." Niall blinked in confusion. Harry glanced up and he frowned.

Greaaaat. Here we go.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked. Louis took a deep breath and nodded his head eagerly—a little too eagerly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey, this looks really good." He rushed out and shoved a spoonful of the vanilla cake in his mouth. Harry watched carefully and finally shrugged.

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