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Harry woke up and wiped his sticky face with the back of his over sized sweat sleeve. He frowned when he saw it was morning.

He got up and stretched a bit,  feeling sore from sleeping on the floor. He walked over to Louis and sat down on the edge of the bed. Louis had a tear stained face and he was clutching his ear tightly to his chest.

"Louis?" Harry whispered softly. No response. Harry sighed and got up, deciding to pick something out for his boyfriend to wear. He set down sweatpants and a sweater. He wanted to match his princess.

He then grabbed a brush, wanting to brush Louis' hair. He then started to get things ready for a shower. A shower with Louis! His dead heart throbbed at the thought.

Harry walked over to the bed when he heard stirring. Louis slowly opened his eyes and when he opened his mouth to scream, Harry clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Shhh, don't be afraid." Harry said gently. "I picked out some clothes for you to wear, I want to match my boyfriend. And I also really want to brush your hair but first I got a shower ready so let's go!" Harry rambled. Having someone alive to talk to was nice.

Louis backed away and shook his head.

"N-No...go away." Harry frowned.

"But I don't want to. Besides, I got everything ready. C'mon." Harry took Louis' hand and pulled him out of bed. Louis flinched back.

"Please don't touch me." Louis begged as Harry lead him to the bathroom. Harry ignored him.

"You always smell so nice, princess. What do you wear? Some type of cologne? I don't know. But you just smell amazing!" Harry admitted with a blush to his cheeks. He pulled Louis in the bathroom and shut the door. He locked it.

Harry stripped down completely naked and climbed into the shower. Louis gawked. Was this really happening?

"C'mon Louis!" Harry called as he started the water. He turned it warm since he was always so cold. That's what comes with being dead.

Louis panicked and tried to run away but Harry dragged him back.

"Strip down and get it, c'mon." Louis shakily stripped into his boxers, crying softly. He shakily stepped into the shower. Harry frowned.

"Why are you in your boxers?" Louis didn't answer. Louis was trying to avoid looking at Harry, his face reddening at the fact that the ghost was naked.

Harry started to scrub Louis' hair.

"Your hair is so soft." Harry said with a sigh. Louis stayed stiff as Harry continued to wash his hair. Harry then pulled Louis against him when he was done.

Louis just stiffened.

"Louis, you don't talk much." Harry said. Louis didn't reply. "But I still love you anyways! My boyfriend." Harry beamed and Louis cringed. Louis dating a ghost? Um, no.

"Louis can I have that hug now?" Louis ignored him. Harry patiently waited for Louis to respond. When he didn't, Harry just carried on, trying to avoid the pain in his dead heart.

Louis was still his. He always would be. There was no rush for the hug.

"Let's get out now." Harry said, changing the subject. They got out and Louis changed under the towel. Harry watched him, making the boy very uncomfortable.


Louis collapsed on his bed. Harry was busy rummaging through his stuff. Louis hated him.

"Louis, do you want to watch a movie? I think that's what boyfriends do. I've never had one, this is my first one so I'm trying here." Harry said with a smile.

So here the monster was, making small talk and wanting to cuddle while watching movies, as if he wasn't going to kill Louis AND the only living part of his family.

"I don't want to watch a movie with you." Louis whispered. Harry frowned but then forced a smile.

"Okay. What about going for a walk?"

"And have people think I'm crazy? No. Besides, I don't want to be anywhere alone with you."

"That's okay. We can stay here if that's what you're most comfortable with." Harry tossed himself down next to Louis and cuddled him. "How about that hug?" Louis ignored him. "That's okay." Harry said quietly. But he was more trying to convince himself.

Harry snuggled into Louis. Louis went stiff in Harry's arms.

"When I was alive, I never had anyone to cuddle with in bed. That was alive, at least. My sissy used to sleep with me but then she stopped cause she was afraid. And my mum used to stay in my room with me because the demons would scare me. But got too scared too. At least I have you now, right Louis?" Harry rambled. Louis didn't answer. "I get it. You don't like me very much." Harry said. "Forget about what I'm going to do later and focus on right now, okay? I like you. And I know you will like me too! You just need to warm up, right?"

When Louis didn't respond, Harry sighed and snuggled into him.

"Well...that's okay. I love you, Louis." Harry murmured softly. And then the curly haired boy fell asleep on top of his boyfriend.

A.N. ik it's almost all in italics I'm  sorry :( please vote and comment! I love you all so much :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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