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*third person*

"Girls, can I have some help please?" Louis asked as he pulled the boxes out of the trunk. The moving truck man was getting impatient.

"Sure," Lottie bounded over to him and started to pull the boxes out.

"Eh," Fizzy said as she walked over and threw some boxes on the ground. Louis glared at her.

"Be careful with those!" He scolded. "Some of these have fragile things in them."

"Then why didn't you label them, dummy?" Fizzy asked with a laugh. Louis blushed and looked down.

"I didn't think of that..."

"Lou, I'm just kidding." She said.
He turned around to the truck just as the man stepped out and glared at them.

"I got a family to get to that's moving to London in less than an hour. Make this quick." He growled. Louis quickly nodded his head.

"We'll go as fast as we can, sir," He turned to the twins. "Daisy, Phoebe, help us out a bit, please." They nodded their heads and rushed over, helping them pull the boxes out of the trunk.

When they were done with that, the man drove away and they loaded the boxes into the house. The house was huge and old, and was a mansion. Louis wondered why it was so cheap?

The house was cold and kind of creepy looking. The girls just stared at the front foyer.

"This is huge," Fizzy said as she blew a bubble with her gum.

"And creepy," Daisy muttered under her breath.

"Hey!" Louis said, getting all of their attention. "We can't be picky here. If Mum and Dad were here, don't you think they would be impressed? I mean, we got this far! Let's make the most of it. No complaining. I know you guys don't want to be here, heck I don't even want to be here! But please, girls, work with me here. I've never had to take so much responsibility before. You all know how I am. This is nerve wrecking for me."

Yes, the girls did know how Louis was. Louis had stress, anxiety, and depression problems. He gets nervous easily and has multiple panic attacks. He takes medication for it, but that was really only when their parents forced him to. He really doesn't like to take them. He thinks that they make him look crazy.

Of course, at his age, there are worse things that could start happening to him.

"I'll let you all choose your rooms," Louis said. Thy loaded the boxes upstairs and the twins picked their rooms first. Then Fizzy and Lottie. Louis took the last room available, the one at the end of the hallway. He slowly walked in and set the boxes that were in his hands down.

He shivered at the sight and his eyes widened.

The room had blood splatters all over the place, a slightly lifted up floorboard, a knife lying across the dresser, and a noose in the corner of the room, covered in blood. There was dust everywhere and the room was colder than any of the other rooms in the house. It was so cold that his teeth started to chatter, he got goosebumps, and he could practically see his breath when he breathed.

The room was terrifying.

But, it was his room now. So he guessed he would just need to get used to it.


It took a couple hours but soon they were finally settled in. Louis was happy with the way they all settled in so quickly. It usually took people weeks.

He had already signed the girls up for a school about 20 miles west away from the house, in the heart of their town, Holmes Chapel. Louis wasn't going to go to school, he had applied for a job at an old toy store nearby and had gotten accepted. His days needed to be spent making money for his family. He couldn't focus on school work at the moment. He just hoped no one would find out...but then again, he was a 16 year old and in living without an adult or any permission.

But Louis needed to make the most of this.

He walked into the kitchen and started to clean up a bit. The rest of the house had been cleaned up, the kitchen just needed extra cleaning.

Then he started to make dinner (which was a hassle because he was very bad at cooking, and well...didn't know how to cook...).

"Please don't burn our new house down," Fizzy said as she walked up behind him. Louis stuck his tongue out at her like a child.

"I won't," He huffed. But Lottie came into the kitchen and ended up making it instead.


Harry watched as the three teens and two kids settled into the house. His eyes stayed on the most beautiful human he had ever seen.

The boy with the blue eyes.

His soft, feathery, light brown hair. His beautiful blue eyes, so gorgeous that Harry almost melted. And his scent. Oh my, his scent was like smelling heaven. This boy truly was an angel.

Harry felt confused with his emotions. He knew he couldn't get attached to this boy because he would eventually have to kill him when the time was right.

He decided to put the boy off to the side and focus on the rest of the family first.

Yes, that's what he'll do. He'll make sure he's the only one living with tho beautiful angel.

And of course, the tiny boy would be his.


A.N. please vote and comment! How many Bloody Harry fans are reading this? ;))) hope you guys liked the first chapter! JUST TO CLARIFY, Harry has been 16 for centuries because he commit suicide when he was 16. Therefore, he is stuck at 16. He is not human (DUH). Anyways, xD Love ya :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

Disturbance   //l.s//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon