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Louis woke up the next day feeling warm. He blinked and let out a small yawn. He rolled over onto his other side and came face to face with a sleeping Harry, that had his arms around him tightly and securely. Louis couldn't help but smile.

He found himself reaching out to gently stroke the boy's soft curls, and his smile widened when he saw them bounce back in place. Suddenly, Harry stirred and opened his eyes.

"Good morning, love." Louis shivered and wrapped his arms around Harry.

"Morning." Harry smiled and rubbed Louis' back.

"Do you have to work today?" Louis sighed. Would Liam let him take another day off?

"I'll have to ask." Harry frowned.

"If your boss won't let you make sure to tell me." Heck no.

"Harry, it's fine. I can handle it myself." Harry's frown deepened which made Louis feel nervous.

"I just want to help. You deserve a break." Louis brushed the curls away from Harry's green eyes.

"I had a break. Now I need to get back into it."

"Can I come with you?"

"Yes." There was no point arguing with Harry. He would come whether Louis wanted him to or not.

"Thank you," Harry said gratefully. "Oh, by the way, your birthday is in two weeks, correct?" Louis laughed.

"How do you know these things? I don't remember telling you." Harry smiled brightly.

"I make it my mission to know everything about you." Louis shivered. Well that was a creepy thing to say.

"O-Oh, uh, well, okay then." Harry tilted his head to the side.

"Anyways, I want to do something special for your birthday." Louis bit his lip.

"What do you mean?" Harry sighed.

"Birthdays nowadays mean a lot to me. Every time it's my birthday, I always stay 16. But you have the glory to grow older, and I don't. So to me, birthdays are a big deal when it comes to humans." Louis' face softened at the ghost, and he suddenly felt guilty for growing up. He shouldn't because it was nothing he could control, but he still did. Poor Harry would stay 16 forever.

"When's your birthday?" Louis asked him softly, while grabbing his pale hand and holding it to his chest, even though it was cold.

"February 1st." Louis smiled. He would have to do something special for Harry's birthday when it came to the time.

"You know, my birthday is on Christmas Eve." Harry frowned.

"I don't celebrate Christmas." Louis swallowed thickly.

Riiiiight. Harry was a demon and a child of Satan. Demons don't celebrate Christmas, so why would he? To him that day is anything but a celebration, unfortunately.

"R-Right. Forgot about that." Harry tilted Louis' chin up.

"You know, if Christmas is a huge part of your life, I don't mind making an exception and celebrating with you." Louis perked up, hope filling his blue eyes.

"Really?" Harry smiled.

"Really. I'd do anything for you." Louis threw his arms around the boy's neck.

"Oh thank you, Harry! You know we have to decorate soon, right?" He said cheerfully. Harry gave him a weak thumbs up.

"Oh, right. Can't wait." He tried to sound enthusiastic. Louis didn't notice because he was too excited.

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