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Louis didn't eat that night. He just stared at his food and pushed it around with his fork. Every time he looked down at his plate, he saw the leftovers of the man at the music store. Louis was horrified.

It didn't help that he was sick to his stomach about the thought of tomorrow night. Tomorrow, both Louis and Harry would give up a huge part of them and become something else. They were going to take it to the next level in their...relationship.

Louis didn't even want to think about it. Why did he agree? He had no idea. Maybe it was the pouty pink lips Harry had, or it could be those taunting and mesmerising green eyes. Whatever it was, Louis was whipped and in way too deep. There was no escaping anymore.

"Louis?" Harry spoke gently. He was taking note of the fact that Louis had hardly touched his dinner, and that his face was white with a green tint to it.

"Y-Yeah?" Louis croaked out.

"Are you feeling alright? You look sick." Harry reached across the table to grab Louis' hand, but Louis flinched and withdrew his hand away before they could touch. Harry's hand fell to the table, and Louis felt guilty when he saw how crushed Harry looked at that.

"I'm fine." He lied, smoothing his hands on his lap under the table. He took a deep breath and scooped some food up on his fork, forcing it into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed, but it looked like he was suffering.

"Oh." Was all Harry said.

It was awkward.

Louis finally couldn't take it anymore, and quickly stood up and dumped his dishes in the sink. Harry glanced up, looking sadly back down at his plate when he saw Louis stiffen. Louis cleared his throat to get Harry's attention again, and Harry hesitantly looked up to meet his gaze.

"I'm going to bed early." Louis spoke, trying to make his tone sound even.

"I see," Harry noted, getting up and dumping his plate in the sink as well. He sighed. "I guess I will too." Louis' skin paled even more.

"Um...I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Harry frowned.

"What do you mean?" Louis gulped, taking a step back.

"Th-The couch is really c-comfy?" He tried. But Harry was too smart and realised right away that Louis was trying to avoid him. Harry took a deep breath.

"Don't worry about it," He said softly. "I'll sleep on the couch, go to our room and get some rest." Louis' heart throbbed.

"A-Are you sure?" Louis hesitated. Harry forced a weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Th-Thank you." Louis whispered as he turned around and hurried up the spiral staircase to his room. He threw himself down on the bed and cried softly.

His life was a mess.


Harry fluffed up some pillows and grabbed his blanket, laying it over himself. He squirmed a bit until he got comfy. Then, he closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into the sofa.

He did his best to fall asleep.

But that night, he had a nightmare.

"Harry, I don't want anything to do with you anymore." Louis crossed his arms, leaning against a mysterious figure.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked shakily.

"I never loved you to begin with. I just tricked you so I could find a way to get rid of you." Harry froze, tears welling up in his eyes.

"B-But...we were supposed to make love tonight! We were supposed to share how much we mean to each other..." He started to shake, sobs threatening to slip out. The shadowy figure soon multiplied, and four girls started to walk towards him like zombies. Blood poured out of their mouths and lifeless eyes. While bulbs lit up where their eyes were supposed to be. Louis glanced at his nails.

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