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Harry shook as Seth rubbed his back lightly with a nod of encouragement. The tall gates in the palace looked like they were closing in on him. He swallowed thickly.

And knocked.

The big doors swung open even though his fist barely touched the gold ivory that made up the morbid-printed door. He gulped but slowly walked in, Seth trailing behind him.

He stood in front of the throne.

He looked back at Seth, who gave a nod. It was time to face the King. The King himself was discussing new improvements for the castle, and he seemed to be in deep conversation with a scruffy-looking man. But Harry didn't care.

He cleared his throat loudly.

Zayn immediately glanced over, ready to scream at anyone who dared to interrupt him. But when he saw it was Harry, he broke into a huge smile and shoved the scruffy man right off the glass steps. The man fell with a loud thud, a cracking noise making Harry cringe.

"HARRY." Zayn jumped down from his throne and tackled the poor boy to the ground. Harry groaned and kneed him in the spot. Zayn just laughed.

"I've come to talk." Harry said through clenched teeth.

"I've missed you!" Zayn beamed. Harry sighed.

"Zayn, you have what's mine." Zayn grinned and poked Harry's nose.

"And you still haven't started calling me You're Majesty yet."

"Because you're not." Zayn just smiled.

"Oh you and your no-sense comments," He chuckled. "It's been so long. What brings ya back?" Harry frowned.

"Did you not hear me? You have what's mine."

"Ah, yes! The shirt is somewhere in the sheets of my bed. I've had to distribute your scent somehow, how else would I live with myself, knowing you're far away? I tell ya. But if you want it back we can make an exchange." Harry shoved Zayn off of him, since he was still pinning him down. He leaned back on his hands, rolling his eyes.

"Not the shirt, Zayn. Louis." Zayn finally frowned.

"That disgusting human? Oh, I plan to get rid of him." Harry's eyes widened.

"WHAT??? NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Zayn laughed cruelly.

"I'm kidding." Harry let out a sigh of relief, than whacked Zayn on his arm.

"Don't do that."

"I love it when you boss me around." Harry gagged internally.

"Listen, can you just give me Louis and we'll be on our way?" Zayn laughed again.

"Do you really think I'm going to just give him to you?" Harry's shoulders slumped.

"I suppose not." Zayn took Harry's hand by force, smiling.

"Stay here with me. Please. Marry me and be my queen. Then I will set your friend free."

"He's my boyfriend," Harry corrected with a scowl. "And I will not stay here with you." Zayn released Harry's hand immediately, the smile disappearing from his face and a certain type of darkness casting over his features.

"You've made a big mistake." Harry inched away.

"Please, Zayn. I really care about Louis. If you cared so much about me, wouldn't you want me to be happy?" Zayn swallowed thickly.

"Yes, but I want you to be happy with me."

"It's not going to happen."

"Then Louis stays here." Harry couldn't help it.

He started to cry.

He shook viciously and sobbed endlessly. This was the end. He would never be able to save Louis. Well, he had two options at least.

1. He could not stay with Zayn and Louis would be trapped forever, causing Harry to never see him again.


2. He would stay with Zayn and Louis would get set free, but he'd never see him again.

Those were his sucky options. He was screwed.

"Zayn, I made a p-promise." Harry stuttered. Zayn gripped the boy possessively and whispered,

"I know."

"Then let him go."

"Stay with me."

"I can't! Don't you see I can't? That house is where I belong. It's the only place I ever loved because I was able to take my own miserable life in it. I was able to commit every crime I've ever wanted and been able to conceal it. I've been able to forget about all of the bullies and just trap their disgusting selves away in countless tapes. It's where I made a promise to myself. After my life, what I went through, what's wrong with me, I deserve one little promise to myself. Don't I?" Zayn watched him carefully.

"Break it. Harry, you don't belong there. You can't stay there forever and you know it. It's time you allow yourself to be free. Come home. This is where you belong."

"No it isn't! This isn't my home. Earth is." Zayn shook his head with a sigh.

"That's what you want to think."

"LOOK. I have my own dead life planned out for centuries."

"You can't even kill Louis."

"I've killed two of his sisters!"

"Oh yeah?"


"What about the other two?" Harry's cheeks tinted pink.


"Kill them and I'll let Louis free." Harry froze.

"But then Louis will hate me!" Zayn grabbed Harry's shirt roughly and lifted him off of the floor.

"When Louis finds out about what you did years ago, he'll already hate you. Just face it." Harry gulped.

"H-He won't find out."

"We'll see about that."

"Let him go."

"You get three days."

"Three days for what?"

"Three days to kill the last two."

Harry's vision blurred as Seth dragged him away from the monster. He couldn't believe it. He was just starting to gain Louis' trust again and now it was all going to go away. He would never be able to gain it back.

And what if Louis found out about what happened years ago? How would he react? Harry couldn't imagine.

He hoped Louis was okay, wherever he was being kept in Hell. Harry's dead heart almost started to beat again, just at the thought of Louis. He closed his eyes and sobbed.

He watched as Zayn's cold figure got smaller and smaller as Seth dragged him farther and farther away. When they broke out of the palace gates, Harry was a mess.

He had three days.


A.N. Please vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading! Louis' point of view will be next. I know it's dry this was kind of a filler. I just wanted to build up more of the plot so we can get to more of the good stuff.

More Larry is coming, I promise! Thank you to all of you who stuck with me through it all. I know it's been too long but my summer holiday is in less than a week so yay! Just finishing exams.

Thank you for always supporting even when it gets boring like this chapter haha. Okay I'll stop talking now because I'm literally only making it worse. *she cries*

I LOVE YOU :) xx

Peace out ✌🏻

~Nia :D xoxo

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