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Louis shakily followed Niall to the King's castle. If Niall was being serious, Harry would be married by tomorrow. The thought of Harry being married to someone else—despite what he had done to Louis' sisters—sickened him.

Before Louis knew it, he was filled with newfound rage for the King of Hell. Louis already knew that the King was fond of Harry, but he didn't know he liked him this much. It angered Louis so much that he just wanted to punch whoever was in his way. Niall was in his way. But he didn't punch him.

Soon, they got to a large castle. Guards in weird uniforms stood before the large gates, sharp, pointed synths in their hands.

"Who dare cross the King's path?" One of them demanded. It was so cliché that Louis almost laughed. But he didn't, because it wouldn't look professional. He wanted to show the King who he was messing with. Louis may be a human, but when it came to Harry he could be as vicious and sassy as a beast.

"We want to see the King." Louis said through clenched teeth. The guard scratched the back of his head.

"You're a human."

"Yeah, so?" Louis sassed, jutting out a hip. The guard put his hands up in defence.

"Sheesh, kid. The King is that way." He stepped aside as the gates opened, and followed the direction that the guard pointed. That was easy.

"Be careful when we get there. He's kind of heartless..." Niall whispered as they walked down the marble halls. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I can deal with a selfish brat." Niall just clasped his hands behind his back with a shrug.

"If you say so."

Soon, they reached the end of the hall and stood before a large set of gold doors. Patterns of people suffering and disgusting hellish creatures drinking and feeding on them tainted the rich doors.

"How lovely." Louis said dryly. He was about to open the doors when Niall stopped him immediately.

"Don't!" Louis sighed, annoyed.

"Why not?"

"Knock first!" Louis gave the blonde a disgusted look.


"Because...he'll get mad."

"You sure do know a lot about this guy don't you?"

"I live here." Niall said flatly. Louis sighed again and then knocked on the door, roughly (in his opinion).

"Come in!" A deep, husky, and surprisingly young voice demanded. Louis priced the heavy doors open and stormed in.

But he stopped dead in his tracks.

He did not expect the King to be young and rather beautiful. He had striking black, quaffed hair and beautiful red eyes. His skin was milky white, like Harry's. Louis hated that they had something in common, when Louis barely had anything in common with the curly haired cutie.

"Who are you? And why do you enter my castle?" Louis regained his composure, finding it best not to look into the King's eyes.

"I'm here for Harry!" Louis demanded, having to shout since the sound effects were echoey in the large throne room.

"Harry? He's here?" The King brightened up. Louis was confused.

"What do you mean? You're going to marry him tomorrow, remember?" Did the King have short term memory loss? Because that would've been really helpful for Louis.

"Marry him? I wish!" Niall started to sweat.

"But..." Louis trailed off. "I don't understand."

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