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*Most of this story is probs gonna be in third person lol*

Louis watched the curly haired boy sleep. The boy was still small, despite being a little taller than Louis. But he really was a tiny thing, just like Louis. They both were too skinny, bones showing. Harry was really pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

The way he slept was really adorable, although Louis hated to admit it. His arms were wrapped around Louis, and his hands gripped the back of Louis' shirt. His face was snuggled into Louis' chest and his curls were a mess on his. Louis found himself involuntarily moving the curls away.

What was he doing?

Harry let out a soft breath and snuggled deeper into the now trembling boy. He mumbled something that sounded like Louis' name. Louis' eyes widened in shock.

He couldn't take this any longer.

He tried to pry of the cold boy who was only giving Louis the chills, but he would budge. He just gripped him tighter and started to murmur his name in his sleep.

Harry moaned.

Louis panicked. He had to stop this. This was going WAY too far. He squirmed underneath him, thinking he could wake him up that way.

"No," Harry mumbled softly. "Stay put." Louis didn't know why but he felt the urge to listen to him.

But he didn't.

He continued to squirm until Harry sighed and slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his fists, something Louis often did. He yawned.

"It was good while it lasted." He said softly, more to himself than to Louis.


Harry sat there and waited for Louis to say something. When he didn't, Harry frowned.

"Louis, please say something."

Louis didn't reply.

Harry cupped his face and tilted the boy's head up, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"Your appointment is tomorrow," He said softly. "Do you want to go?"

Louis started to cry.

Harry panicked and brought the small boy into his arms. He rocked him back and forth, observing that this was his favourite thing.

"Louis, shhhh. Don't cry. I'm here with you and I won't let you go." Harry soothed. He was surprised when Louis actually relaxed.

"I don't want to go!" The boy cried. Harry stroked his hair.

"I'm not going to let you go, relax." Harry said gently. The boy sniffled and snuggled into him.

Harry felt like he was floating.

"What about Lottie? She is going to make me go." Harry smiled down at his princess.

"Oh trust me, my love. She won't. Not if something more important gets in the way."

Harry already had tricks up his sleeve.


Louis was afraid. He couldn't sleep that night no matter how hard he tried. Harry slept in bed with him, insisting that he would be there for comfort. Louis didn't argue, him being too afraid to say anything to the ghost.


Harry snuggled into his princess, never wanting to leave his bed.

"Oh Louis," Harry purred. "We're going to be together forever."

Louis thought to himself, how? Harry was going to kill him in the end.

Harry sucked another love bite onto the trembling boy's neck. He then whispered in his ear,

"I noticed that when I sleep with you, you don't have nightmares. I also noticed that you don't scream or cry. You don't squirm, either. This is good, right? Progress in my opinion."

The boy didn't reply. He was just too afraid to speak. And Harry was so cold, Louis was shivering and shaking.

"I'm sorry," Harry said softly. "I wish I could control my body temperature." Louis suddenly felt guilty for some reason. Why? That was the question.

"It's okay." Louis suddenly heard himself whispering to the curly haired boy. Harry smiled and snuggled deeper into him.

Harry felt very happy that night.

But he knew that things were going to start to get messed up tomorrow. As soon as tomorrow would hit, Harry had a little surprise for this family. Or rather, most of it anyways.

Louis would be very upset with him, yes. But Harry decided that he would go through with it, because he truly didn't want his princess to have to go to that appointment. Plus, it was time to start getting this show on the road.

It was time to start fulfilling his promise.


A.N. please vote and comment! Thank you for reading :) ilyasm :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

Disturbance   //l.s//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora