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Louis slowly opened his eyes. Sunlight greeted him through his window, and something cold was pressed up against him. He looked down to see what it was.


Louis sighed and ran his fingers through his curls. The green eyed boy had his legs and arms wrapped around Louis, and his face was buried in Louis' chest.

Harry stirred, then snuggled deeper into Louis. Louis bit his lip, as memories from last night flashed through his mind. It all had felt like some strange dream, but Louis knew that it was real.

"What is happening?" Louis murmured softly. Harry stirred again, and this time opened his eyes. His face lit up when he saw Louis.

"Louis..." He mumbled in his sexy morning voice. "You're here." Louis nodded his head.

"Yeah, I am." He whispered.

"Are you gonna leave me?"

"No." Harry relaxed instantly. Louis continued to stroke Harry's curls and Harry hummed softly.

"I love it when you touch my hair." He mumbled into Louis' chest. He pushed himself up a bit so he could bury his face in Louis' neck. He placed a soft kiss there, causing Louis to tremble.

"Then I'll keep doing it." Louis said quietly. He tried to forget that Harry killed two of his sisters, and that he was planning on killing his other two as well. He tried to forget that Harry was also planning on killing him, maybe, and that he slapped him.

"I love it when we're this close." Harry murmured, pressing his lips to Louis' neck again.

"Then we'll stay close." Louis whispered.

"That sounds nice." It did. But sadly, not everything could actually happen. If Louis stayed in bed for the rest of his life he'd simply die. Well, he was probably gonna die soon anyways. But still.

But Louis could still stay close to Harry around the house, too. They didn't just have to be close in their room. The only problem was that Louis was afraid. He didn't know what to do about the situation he was in.

"Louis." Harry hummed.


"I want you forever." Louis shivered at the words.

"Y-You do?"



"Can I have you forever?"


"Please?" When Harry looked up at him, with those beautiful green eyes, Louis almost melted. And before he knew what he was doing, he blurted out,


He froze.

What did he just agree to?

"Yay!" Harry beamed. Oh great. This isn't good. This is not good.

But it was too late for the poor boy to do anything about it.

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