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The pre-chapter


The family stood outside of the big house, admiring it.

"This is it, pumpkins." The man said to his two little kids. Harry watched from his window as the family unpacked their things and brought them inside.


The house was cold and dark. The two little kids were afraid. They cried a lot.

But what the couple noted was the strange behaviour in the house. There was crying at night that didn't come from anyone in the house, there were banging noises and scraping noises, there was sobbing, whimpering, and then there started to be screaming and sounds of suffering.

The couple could not live there anymore. They put the house up for sale and started to pack their things.

But they never made it out alive.

After all, Harry did make a promise to himself. He would kill whoever step foot into his house.

And that's what he did.

All four of the innocent family.



Poor little Louis was afraid to be the one taking care of his four younger sisters.

Louis knew he had to get a job after his parents died in an unknown tragedy. But the job couldn't pay for the house they were living in at the moment.

So he decided they would move.

Louis found a house online that was super cheap. The house was nestled in an abandoned part of Cheshire. The house was really a mansion, but that was okay because there was five people, and four messy kids. Louis was only 16 and didn't want to live on his own, but he knew there was no choice.

The girls didn't want to move. But Louis said that it was for the best.

So they packed their things and were on their way to Cheshire, where their new life would begin.

But little did they know that this house was the worst choice they could have ever made...


Louis, such a young and naive boy. He can't take care of his family. He can't even take of himself. If he did know how to take care of himself, then he wouldn't be so ill. Then he wouldn't be giving in to someone so bad, someone who has darkness written all over his name. So young. And yet the perfect target.

Poor Louis. He should've never moved into that house.


A.N. please vote and comment! I hope you guys like it so far :) love ya! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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