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That night, Louis stayed curled up in the corner of his bed, rocking back and forth. He had stopped crying and instead became a stone cold statue.

Harry still hadn't come home yet.

But finally, there was a twist of a lock coming from downstairs and then a soft breeze blew by.

"Louis?" Harry called from the bottom of the stairs. Louis didn't respond. He couldn't even talk. There was another breeze before Harry knocked on the door to their bedroom. "Love? Are you in there?" Harry slowly twisted the knob and opened the door, poking his head in first. "Hello, babe. Watcha doing?" He paused when Louis didn't reply or even look at him.

"I'm coming in," He announced, stepping in and closing the door even though it was just them there. "Have you been like this the whole time? Are you okay?" Harry walked over and sat down on the bed, scooting up on it and sitting criss cross. He reached for Louis but Louis yanked away. "Love? Are you feeling alright?"

Harry tried to press a cold hand to his forehead but Louis inched away, backing himself up against the wall. He shook his head viciously, tears starting to form in his eyes again. A look of concern crossed Harry's face.

"Baby, you don't look very good. You're pale. Is there any way I can make you feel better?" Harry asked softly, inching closer. Louis shook his head some more, pressing his lips together so he wouldn't sob out loud. But that didn't work.

"S-Stay away..." Louis finally sobbed out. Harry frowned.

"My love, what's wrong? Did I do something to hurt you?" Louis nodded his head furiously.

"Y-Yes." He shakily said. Harry reached out and took Louis' trembling hand in his. Louis didn't stop him because he couldn't help but crave Harry's touch.

"Tell me," Harry pressed gently. "So I can make you feel better."

Louis took a long time to respond. He was thinking things through because he was very nervous and anxious. He was also beyond heartbroken and rather conflicted. Harry didn't know that he had killed Louis' parents, but that still didn't make it any better.

"Y-You were the one..." He managed to choke out. Harry tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"Y-You killed them..." Louis cried. Harry blinked.

"Your sisters?" Louis shook his head viciously again, and let out a sob.

"N-No." Harry was confused, which Louis was expecting. The curly haired boy wrapped his arms around Louis and brought him closer to him.

"It's okay, my love. You can tell me." Harry urged softly.

"M-My parents," Louis sobbed. "You killed my parents..." Harry's face softened.

"Oh baby...I didn't know I killed your parents...how do you know?" Louis froze. Should he tell him?

"I-I...uh..." Harry suddenly squinted his eyes.

"Wait a minute—did you go through my tapes?" Louis started to cry harder.

"Please, Harry...I didn't mean to. I was so curious...they were just there. And I was bored and lonely. You were gone for so long...I-I—" Louis rushed out, but Harry cut him off.

"What did you see?" Harry demanded, looking quite mad. Louis sniffled.

"I saw you...kill my parents. They were just trying to help you, Harry," Louis sobbed. "They didn't mean to almost run you over...they just didn't see you. You were wearing dark clothes and it was nighttime...they offered to give you a ride home! They were so nice to you! Why did you kill them, Harry? Why?" Louis was full on crying, and shaking way too much. "They didn't deserve that! They were still young! It was their anniversary! They just wanted to go out and celebrate...they were willing to postpone that just to get you to safety. They loved children. Why?"

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