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Harry waited by the door that night. He stood there, exhausted and sleepy. But nonetheless, he needed to make sure Louis came home safely, wherever he may be.

It worried Harry. Where was he? Was he okay? Harry felt his stomach twist into knots. If Louis was in danger Harry would never forgive himself. Ever.

After awhile, Louis still hadn't come home. So instead of standing their like a prat all night, he forced himself up the stairs and into their room. He threw himself down on the bed and inhaled the sheets.

They smelled like Louis.

This calmed him and lured him into a much needed sleep. This time, though, he strangely didn't have any nightmares.


Louis didn't know what to do. So the only thing he thought of was heading to his work and talking to Liam. But when he got there, he forget it was super early in the morning and that the shop was closed. He stared at the closed sign for ten minutes before turning around and walking away.

Where was he going to go?

Then an idea came to mind. What if he packed his bags and left to find a new house? He had enough money saved up in his account where he could find a flat somewhere and afford rent. Should he? The thought sounded appealing to him.

He started his walk home.

After some time, he finally arrived in front of the creepy mansion. He sighed as he unlocked the door and stepped in. To his relief, Harry wasn't waiting there for him.

Louis hurried in while closing the door, and made his way up the spiral staircase quietly. Wherever Harry was, he didn't want to wake him up and risk having to face him. He still couldn't believe that comment came out of Harry's mouth.

Louis opened the door to his room and froze at the entrance. Harry was passed out on his bed with a tear stained face and messy curls. Louis quietly moved among the creaky floorboards, almost tripping over the tape-filled one.

He grabbed a bag and started to pack all of his belongings. But apparently he was being too loud and Harry rolled over in the bed, slowly opening his eyes with a yawn. Harry froze.

The horrified look that crossed Harry's face made Louis shiver all over. Harry slowly pushed himself up, his eyes never leaving the bag in Louis' hand. Harry's eyes followed Louis' slow motions of packing his bag. The curly haired boy swallowed thickly.

"W-What are you doing?" Harry whispered.

"Getting the hell out of here." Harry's skin paled even more than it already was (which Louis didn't think was possible).

"Y-You're leaving?" He choked out brokenly. Louis looked away so he wouldn't feel guilty.




Harry was crying. Louis ignored it as he finished packing his bag. He hurried towards the door, pausing and glancing at Harry. Harry weakly reached out for him.

But surprisingly enough, he didn't go after him. He didn't get mad and transform into a demon or something. He just sat there on the bed looking absolutely torn and ruined.

"Please don't leave me." The soft broken whisper was enough to make Louis' heart quench.

But Louis pushed the feeling away and hurried down the staircase. He made his way to the door and flung it open, before racing into the cold air. It was 5:00 am, and Louis just stood there, while staring at the graveyard. He saw Harry's face appear in the lit up window, before it disappeared.

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