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There was nothing that could've been more special than walking down the aisle, with flowers in his hand and hair. He had smiled as he saw Harry looking striking, standing at the front.

Their wedding had been outside, and looking back on it, Louis treasured it so much.

It had been the best day of his life.

Three months had passed since his wedding. Louis went to work and chatted with Liam daily. Liam asked him who gave him his ring, and Louis was quick to lie and say that he bought it himself.

Niall was happily getting married to Zayn in Hell, and visited them often. Harry, on the other hand, threw away all of the tapes and bodies.

The past was in the past. All that mattered was the future.

Harry's mark left a small heart engraved in Louis' neck, and Louis had to lie to Liam and say that it was a tattoo.

"That's pretty cool! I didn't think you were a bada*s, Louis." Liam said with a smile. Louis laughed.

"Yeah, it hurt like hell though."

But the pain only lasted a little bit. Then the pleasure set in.

Liam looked thoughtful for a minute. He bit his lip.

"I might get one. Care to join me?" Louis smiled.

"I'd love to. But I need to get home and make dinner." It was a Saturday afternoon, and Louis agreed to meet up with Liam for coffee in the afternoon. Liam smiled anyways.

"That's okay. I'll wait for a time when you're free." He said kindly. Louis patted Liam's shoulder with an evil grin on his face.

"You really want me to come and see you cry when you get it?" Louis teased. Liam punched his arm lightly.

"Hey!" He huffed. Louis laughed and rubbed his arm.

"No need to get all aggressive. I'm just joking." Liam rolled his eyes playfully.

"Hurry up and go. Don't you have dinner to make?" He teased back. Louis smiled.

"You're right. See you later, Liam." Liam waved.

"See ya."


Louis stepped into the house and closed the door. He set his things down on the counter and made his way inside.

They had fixed their house to make it more...friendly. Louis had cleaned up the house, and they had gotten rid of a lot of the creepy aspects of the house. Especially in their room. The noose was taken down and they burned it, watching as the flames burned up the past.

Louis made his way into the kitchen. He opened the curtains to let some light in. He heard the TV on in the living room. Harry jumped up and ran over to greet his husband.

"You're home!" Louis laughed and wrapped his arms around his ghost.

"Hey babe." Harry kissed Louis' cheeks.

"Dinner is in the oven." Louis smiled.


Harry was the cook in the house. Louis usually used the excuse to Liam and the others at work that he needed to "go home and make dinner". It was just an excuse so he could go home and see Harry sooner. It was his universal excuse.

"Smells yummy." Louis commented as Harry pulled out the lasagna from the oven. He quickly made plates and then handed one to Louis. Louis thanked him and dug in gratefully.

He was starving.

As usual, Harry's cooking was to die for. Pun intended. Louis moaned in delight and shovelled more in his mouth. He didn't used to eat. But Harry really changed him for the better and he got into the habit of eating again.

Harry laughed at Louis' eagerness.

"Slow down or you'll make yourself sick." He said as he munched on his. Louis laughed.

"Right, sorry." His face was covered in sauce so Harry grabbed a napkin and reached forward to wipe the sauce away from Louis' mouth.

"There you go."

"Thank you, Harry." Harry smiled.

"You're welcome."

"So what do you want to do tomorrow? It's Sunday so I don't have work." Harry thought for a moment.

"We could go into town?" Harry offered. Louis bit his lip and nodded his head.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

Occasionally, Harry would make himself visible to the outside world so that they could go to public places. That way, Louis wouldn't look like a crazy person talking to a random space next to him.

"Which town?"

"How about we visit cities?" Harry suggested.


"Manchester and London?" Louis' face lit up.

"Really?? I've never been!" Harry smiled at his husband's excitement.

"I've never been either. I think it will be fun. Don't you think?" Louis nodded his head eagerly.

"I would love to go to those two places."

They decided mutually to play it safe for a year or two and stay in England. Then, when they figured it was safe for them to travel, they would have their honeymoon. They both wanted to go to Paris.

"I can't wait for when we go to Paris." Harry said, reading Louis' mind. Louis nodded his head.

"Me too. It'll be so beautiful, I bet."


Life was close to being normal for the two boys. There was a routine in every day. Louis would wake up, get ready, and go to work. Harry would clean the house and hang around for a bit, finding things for them to do on the weekends.

Then, Louis would come home and see that Harry would've already made dinner. They would eat and chat about their weekend plans and their future honeymoon trip.

After that, they would play around with each other in bed until they both finally got tired and fell asleep on top of each other. They would wake up the next day and start the routine over again.

This was what the boys were used to. They barely fought and they got along most of the time. They had the same future plans, which made living together very easy. They enjoyed theirselves.

Louis was glad that everything worked out between them. As he stared at Harry's sparkling green eyes from across the table, he knew that there was no one else he'd rather be with than the innocent, beautiful, and sweet ghost across from him.

And the feeling was definitely mutual.



I will release an author's note in a little bit to sum things up! Please vote and comment! Thanks SO much for reading! I love you all so much. :) xx

~Nia D xoxo

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