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Niall waited patiently by the castle doors, waiting for someone to answer it. A moment passed, and finally the big doors opened. Two guards were standing there.

"Niall." They spoke in unison, with their deep voices. Niall flinched.


"You've been missing for quite some time."

"I'm aware."

"Where have you been? The king is furious." Niall perked up.

"He is?"

"You shouldn't be happy about that. He was worried sick." Niall found himself smiling and blushing.

"Oh, I see..." he stared down at his feet bashfully. "May I come in and see him?"

"At your own risk."

They stepped aside and let Niall walk in. Niall went straight to the throne room. He smiled when the guards there opened the large doors for him. He walked in, keeping his head high and trying to keep his confidence.

Zayn was sitting on top of his throne, looking bored and annoyed. But his face suddenly changed to anger when his eyes landed on Niall.

"Niall?!" His voice boomed through the entire throne room.

Niall couldn't help himself.

"Zayn!" He ran towards the throne. He was so excited to see the king. He fell to his knees in front of the large throne and clasped his hands together in a pleading matter. "Please forgive me! I'm so sorry I left you!"

"Get up." Niall bowed his head and obeyed Zayn's command. He slowly stood up with shaky legs.

"I hope you can forgive me." He said quietly, shyly.

"Speak up."

"I hope you can forgive me." He stated again, much louder the second time. Zayn eyed the smaller boy.

"Hmph." Was all he said. Niall's shoulders slumped and he turned to walk away, but suddenly Zayn called,

"Where are you going?" Niall froze.

"I-I thought you wouldn't want me here..."

"Did I say you could leave?"


"Then don't leave." Zayn said firmly. Niall trembled.

"I'm sorry..."

"Come here." Niall looked up with a blush on his cheeks.

"Where?" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"To my throne." Niall slowly climbed up the ladder shakily, and boosted himself up on the throne. Zayn yanked the boy on his lap and Niall's face reddened as he buried his face in the king's chest.

"I'm sorry." He repeated. Zayn shook his head.

"I was so worried. Never leave me ever again. Do you understand?"  He spoke firmly. Niall nodded his head.

"I promise I won't."

"Good." Zayn tightened his grip on the younger boy with a sigh. 

Niall smiled.


"What do you need to talk to me about?" Louis asked, confused as Harry took them to their room. It was the day after Christmas, and Louis was in the middle of admiring his ring when Harry called him up to their room.

He said he needed to have a serious talk with him.

"Louis, remember the card I gave you for your birthday?" Louis nodded his head.

Disturbance   //l.s//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें