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*Third Person POV*

Louis woke up the next morning feeling cold but strangely calm. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his fists. He noticed that his shirt was lifted up and his sweatpants were pulled down a bit. He frowned. Was he that antsy in his sleep?

He got up and went to the bathroom in the small room. Out of the entire room, the bathroom was the least scariest.

He still couldn't help but feel another presence nearby, so he decided to shower with his boxers on.

He stepped into the warm, soothing water. The only area where it wasn't cold, in the entire house.

He let the warm water soothe his nerves. And then a cold chill passed by. Louis shivered and looked around the small shower nervously. He half expected a monster to come out of no where and attack him. He hugged himself and felt the sudden urge to cover his chest up.

What was happening to him?


Harry crawled down the wall of the shower and slid next to Louis. He wrapped his arms around him from behind and saw the poor boy shudder and back away. Harry watched as the boy pressed himself against the wall in fear. His beautiful blue eyes darted back and forth around the shower. Harry just wanted to pull the boy close to him.

"Don't worry, darling," Harry purred. "It's going to be okay."

The tiny boy whimpered and curled up into a ball on the floor of the shower. Harry knelt down in front of him.


Louis curled up into a ball on the floor of the shower and wrapped his arms around his legs. He brought his legs to his chest and rocked back and forth. Rocking back and forth is one of the things that soothed him, strangely enough.

Louis suddenly felt the cold breeze shift and now it was in front of him. Louis gulped and pressed his back against the shower wall.

He shouldn't be this afraid. No, he shouldn't. It's just a cold breeze. That's it. Nothing that could hurt him.

But all of a sudden, something flashed before his eyes.

A boy.

All he could see was curly brown hair, pale skin, and a flash of bright green eyes.

Louis screamed.


Harry watched as Louis' eyes widened and looked directly into his. The boy screamed.

Harry was confused.

Did Louis see him?


Louis cried as he cleaned himself up. He changed his boxers under a towel and got dressed into an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants that were too big for him. He dried his hair and then brushed his teeth, knowing that he didn't have an appetite for breakfast.

This was another one of Louis' many problems. He was self conscious (which was normal for teens his age, but worse for him) and he often didn't eat. His parents used to try and make him eat, but they weren't here. And they never would be.

Louis forced himself down the stairs and threw himself down on the couch. Was he growing more mentally ill than he thought he was? Was he having hallucinations? He hoped not. He didn't need to be any more crazy than he already was.

You are crazy, the voices hissed in his mind.

Poor excuse of a human being. Louis did his best to ignore them.

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