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Louis turned to Harry and saw the curly haired boy's body shaking. Was he crying??? How did he have the guts to cry?! To play the victim?!

Louis couldn't believe it.

Harry turned around with a puffy face. The red colour looked odd on his pale skin. He inched towards Louis and wrapped his bony arms around him.

"You killed my sister." Louis whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. Harry nodded his head which was in Louis' neck. He kissed the love bite gently. "Y-You killed my sister..." Louis repeated. He was trying to remind himself of what this monster did so he wouldn't feel bad for him.

"I know what I did." Harry whispered.

"I hate you." Louis said.

"I know." Harry cried softly. Louis' hands were shaking. They were involuntarily lifting up. What was he doing? He needed to stop this.

His hands fell into Harry's wild curls. Louis started involuntarily stroking the curls. Harry's crying stopped. Harry's breath was uneven and pink tinted his pale cheeks. Louis' hands then pulled away and Harry's crying started up again.

Until Louis did something unexpected.

He wrapped his arms around the ghost and hugged him. He hugged him. Louis was scolding himself on the inside. What was he doing?! Why was he hugging the monster that killed his sister?!

Harry froze.

And then they both started sobbing.

"What am I doing?" Louis sobbed.

"Y-You're hugging me!" Harry cried in disbelief. "I can't believe someone is actually hugging me. I can't believe my beautiful princess is hugging me." He practically hyperventilated.

"Why am I doing this?!" Louis sobbed. "I can't believe myself..." He shook viciously.

"Don't be afraid," Harry whispered in his neck. "I won't hurt you." Louis didn't believe him.


Harry had eventually fell asleep, wrapped up in Louis' arms. Part of Louis wanted to let go, but another part of him wanted to hold on.

He held on.

"What is wrong with me?" He whispered into the sleepy boy's curls. "Why am I doing this? You killed my sister." Harry looked so peaceful while he slept. Louis then kept his mouth shut, not wanting to wake him.

Louis started to stroke Harry's curls again, not knowing why. There seriously was something wrong with him.

"Harry, why am I doing this?" Louis whispered softly. "Why do I feel bad for you? After what you just did?"

Harry obviously didn't reply because he was sleeping.

Louis buried his face in the cold boy's neck. He trembled. He then started crying.

"I don't want to wake you up, sorry." He whispered to the passed out boy and tried to calm himself.

But he couldn't push the feeling away that he might have feelings for this monster.


Harry woke up feeling warm and fuzzy. He never felt warm, because he was always so cold, since he was dead.

But he felt so warm and cozy. He felt good.

He opened his eyes and saw the exact reason why.

He was in Louis' arms.

Louis' face was in his neck and his arms were wrapped around him. His hands were stroking Harry's curls.

Harry's cheeks turned pink.

Is this what being loved felt like? Feeling warm and fuzzy? He liked this feeling.

Louis shifted and started to let go, but Harry whimpered and murmured,

"No Louis...please stay." Louis swallowed thickly.

"I can't..." Harry frowned and looked up at his princess.

"Why not?"

"Because...I...I..." Harry reached out and brushed away the tears that had started to fall.

"It's fine, I understand." Harry said gently. The poor boy had started to shake. "Louis, calm down please. I'm not going to hurt you." Louis swallowed.


But Harry knew that Louis didn't believe him.


Louis sat on his bed, twiddling his thumbs and frowning. Harry wrapped his legs and arms around the boy and pulled him towards him.

"What's on your mind, my love?" Louis started to cry.

"I miss Daisy!" He sobbed. Harry frowned.

"It's okay," He said gently. "It's going to be okay." He started to rock the sobbing boy back and forth, knowing that it would calm him.

And it did.

Because soon, the boy stopped crying and he relaxed in Harry's arms.

"Good boy," Harry whispered in his ear. Louis shivered when Harry whispered, "My good boy."


Louis lyed on the bed in Harry's arms. He didn't know why he wanted this. He didn't know why he wanted to be in Harry's arms.

"Harry?" Louis suddenly asked. Harry perked up.

"Yes princess?"

"Why tapes?" Harry stiffened a little.

"I dunno. I just...started doing them when I was little so I just went along with it when I was older."





"Who bullied you?"

"The kids at school. Why?"

"I was just wondering. Are they still alive?"


"Oh. What happened to them?"

"There's a tape for everyone in this twisted town, Louis."

That was enough said.


A.N. please vote and comment! I love ya all so much :) xx (these authors notes are always so repetitive e.o I'm sorry)

~Nia :D xoxo

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