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[A.N. Please read the Author's Note. Thank you!]

Louis blinked and stretched out, letting out a yawn. Opening his eyes, he realised that it was bright in the room. Morning. He slowly tried to sit up, but ended up groaning in pain and plopping back down on the bed. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and sighed in defeat.

Harry was right. Everything hurt like hell.

"Harry..." He whimpered, turning on the other side to look for him. A frown appeared on his face when he saw that Harry was missing. "Harry!" He whined.

The soft patter of footsteps.

Louis shot up and moaned as cripples of pain shot throughout his body. The door creaked open and a curly-haired head popped in.

"You're up," Harry smiled and opened the door wider, slipping inside. "Breakfast is ready." Louis pouted.

"You left me and I'm in pain." Harry bit his lip, obviously trying to hold back a laugh.

"I stayed with you the whole night, love. Never left your side until this morning. I had to make breakfast, didn't I?" Louis reached for him weakly.

"But I want you." This made Harry's smile widen.

"I'm right here."

"Come here," Louis gestured for the boy to come to the bed. "Lay with me." Harry walked over and plopped down on the bed, scooting under the covers and gazing at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but he was grinning. Louis glared at him.

"I'm sore." He huffed. Harry ruffled the boy's hair.

"Naturally. What did you expect?"

"To feel euphoric."

"The euphoria comes first, after that it's all pain." Louis crossed his arms and scoffed.

"That's so unfair! Why does life's most pleasurable activities have to be so painful?" Harry propped himself up with his elbow.

"I don't know, love. That's just the way things are." Louis shook his head in disbelief.

"Unfair," He muttered. Harry's expression suddenly grew serious, which immediately caught Louis' attention. "What's wrong?"

"Speaking of the way things are, we have something to discuss." He took a deep breath. Louis frowned.

"What do you mean? Are you leaving me?!" Panic flashed over Louis' face. Harry quickly wrapped his arms around the boy's frame.

"No, no! That's not it. I'm talking about the fact that you might leave me." Louis relaxed slightly, but his frown increased.

"Why would I do that?" Harry brushed the hair out of Louis' face and sighed.

"Louis, you're turning 17 soon. Correct?" Louis nodded his head.

"Yeah, so? We'll only be a year apart."

"Okay..." Harry said slowly. "Let me ask you this, Louis. Do you want to be with me forever?" Louis was taken back by the question.

"Harry, why did you ask that? You just took my virginity. Of course I want to be with you forever!" Harry was dead serious, though, so Louis fell silent.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." Louis told him sincerely.


"Why?" Harry bit his lip.

"Because. Louis, look...you're going to keep getting older and I'm going to stay 16 forever. Although I love you no matter what, are you still going to want me when you're a man and I'm just a boy?" Louis blinked.

Disturbance   //l.s//Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant