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Harry smiled as the blood poured from the girl. What a shame! She was young, and she had a life ahead of her. Oh well. That'll teach her to never mess with what's his.

He got up from his spot as the dead girl continued to bleed out. He slipped away and headed back to the house.

When he got there, the two sisters were gone. Oh well, he'd just have to kill Fizzy tomorrow.

He headed upstairs to him and Louis' room and phased through the door. He quickly walked over to Louis who was already in bed.

Luckily, he was asleep so he didn't see Harry, who was covered head to toe in blood. Harry quickly took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. He then slipped into bed next to Louis.

"Goodnight, my beautiful princess. I love you." He placed a soft kiss to the boy's forehead, before drifting asleep himself.


"Ugh! But it's so early!" Louis whined. Harry rocked back and forth on the bed next to him, watching as Louis bickered with his sister.

"Lou! C'mon! We don't have all day!" Lottie said, clearly annoyed.

"I know, but..."

"Fiz and I have to get to school. Now get up!" Sometimes, Louis forgot that he was the oldest one in the house.

"Okay okay, I'm getting up." Louis said with a sigh of defeat.


Louis arrived at work, excited to see Alex.

He pushed the door open with Harry behind him. Hurrying to the cash out line, he waited patiently.

But Alex never came.

Had his boss not hired her? Why wouldn't he? Louis was all alone here. Half of the time, his boss didn't even bother showing up!

It was unfair.

Sighing, he waited patiently for Alex to come. After a while, he started to just wait for customers. Maybe Alex was sick and she had to miss her first day of work? Maybe.

"Ugh." Louis said with a sigh. Harry sat perched on the counter, dangling his feet. His feet didn't touch the ground which made it cuter.

"What's wrong, princess?" Harry asked innocently.

"Alex isn't showing up," Louis said with a frown. "I'm really worried about her."

"But you don't even know her well." Harry said coldly.

"I know, but still." Louis said with a sigh.

"Well don't worry love! I'm sure she'll show up soon."

Harry looked too innocent for Louis' liking...


Louis got home from work feeling very sad. He had been looking forward to seeing Alex all night last night, but never ended up seeing her.

He was very disappointed.

He sulked up to his room. The girls hadn't got home from school yet, so Harry and him were alone. Fantastic.

Louis set his things down, took a shower, changed, and plopped down on his bed.

"Louis!" Harry popped out of the bathroom, washed and dressed. Louis looked up at him.


"Let's cuddle!" Louis sighed.

"Okay." How could he say no when Harry was looking that cute?

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