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Louis stood at the counter, staring at the spot where Harry killed his first customer. He shivered and turned away. A very concerned Harry looked at him.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, even though no one could hear him. Louis forced a tight smile onto his face.

"Fine." Harry frowned.

"Are you sure?" Louis took a deep breath, and was about to reply, but then a boy came walking in. A very familiar boy.

Louis clenched his fists at his sides and had to refrain from punching him, reminding him that he was at work and that prat was technically a customer.

"Niall what the hell are you doing here?" Louis seethed. Harry was getting ready to lunge at the blonde, but Louis held him back. They were ironically the only ones in the shop area anyways so it wouldn't look strange. At least Niall was making himself visible to the public eye, so Louis would look a little less crazy.

"What do you think? I'm shopping around." Niall picked up a pair of headphones and examined them before placing them back where they belonged. He then picked up a guitar pick from a small box at the end of the aisle and inspected both sides before dropping it back into the box.

Louis raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, waiting for Niall to reveal why he was truly there, coincidentally when Louis and Harry were. Harry, on the other hand, was breathing heavily and had a look of death on his face. Louis grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"Okay," Niall finally said with a sigh, setting the Bluetooth speaker he was looking at back in its place. "The truth is, I came to say I'm sorry. The last time I went to your house and tried to apologise to Harry...well, it didn't go so well. I wanted to do it in a better way, to the both of you." Louis rolled his eyes and Harry glared at Niall.

"I'm waiting." Louis sassed. Niall nodded his head.

"I'm really sorry for tricking you guys. The truth is, I barely have anyone who cares about me in Hell and no one who knows I exist on Earth (besides you guys). I just wanted King Zayn to be proud of me for once in my afterlife. He never is and I thought if I brought him what he wanted, well, that he'd notice and appreciate me. But it didn't work as well as I planned it. I realised that I made a mess of things and that I hurt the both of you. For that, I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for it to go so badly! I just wanted attention because I never got it. Not even in my actual life when I was alive." Louis sighed.

"My last two sisters died because of you and Zayn." Niall's eyes watered.

"I'm so sorry, Louis! And I'm sorry Harry! I wanted to be your friend so badly and I went ahead and ruined it. Please forgive me." He looked down at the floor. Harry's glare intensified.

"I'll never be your friend after what you did to Louis and I!" Harry snapped. Louis placed a hand on his arm to calm him down. He swallowed thickly and took a step back, cooling it down much to Louis' relief.

"I understand." Niall whispered, tears slipping down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them all away. Louis internally groaned.


"No, it's okay. I'll just go." He kept his head down and sadly started to walk away. But Louis walked over and grabbed his arm.

"Louis get away from him!" Harry yelled. Niall sniffled.

"Harry stop, you're hurting his feelings." Louis replied. Harry glared at Niall.

"I don't care! It's what he deserves." Niall nodded his head sadly.

"He's right, you know." Louis rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well, I'm not like that," He started. "If I forgave Harry for killing my four sisters, I can forgive you." Niall's face brightened and he straightened up.

Disturbance   //l.s//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt