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"There was nothing, not even her remains found at the crime scene. All that was found was blood that spelled her name. A day ago was when she went missing. As of right now, the police are investigating but haven't found any suspects so far. We will keep you all up to date on wether or not she is alive. At the moment, investigators are assuming she's dead. There's no contact of family, but they're doing their best. I'm Amy Wilson, and this is your report for Alexandra Foster."

Louis was frozen at the telly. The girls were off to school and Harry was who knows where.

After last night, Louis woke up to Harry not being beside him. He had gotten ready and then turned the telly on in the den. The den still gave him chills, but he could deal with it.

But it was a mistake to turn it on. It turned out that Alex was missing and could potentially be dead. Dead. Louis felt sick and tears welled up in his eyes.

The only friend he had!

Now she was gone.

Louis suddenly got up. But was she? She could be suicidal! Her name could've been spelled in ketchup and she could've wanted to warn everyone. Or, this could be a sick prank. She did seem like a wild, adventurous, and crazy kinda girl. Louis bit his lip. Should he look for her?


He was finally going to do the right thing! He wasn't going to let anyone get in the way and take another person he cared about away from him.

He hurried to the door and grabbed his keys. He shoved some toms on and then opened the door. He bolted out, only to crash into someone. Louis fell back from the impact, but arms caught him.

"W-What?" Louis stuttered. He looked up to see an unfamiliar boy there.

"Whoopsie!" The boy chirped in an Irish accent. "I didn't know you were in a rush." Louis blinked in confusion. Who was this guy? He had brown hair with blonde highlights, and he had soft blue eyes. His complexion was a very gentle and soft one. He looked about Louis' age.

"U-Um...?" Louis was at a loss for words. He quickly stood up, though, blushing. "Th-Thank you...?" He didn't know the boy's name. The boy blushed.

"Oh gosh! I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Niall! I moved in, in a house down the hill." Niall pointed past the gates and hill, to a small house in the distant. It was on its own hill, but didn't have a gate, a forest, or a graveyard like Louis' did. The hill wasn't too big and it looked more welcoming. Louis flushed when he realised Niall was waiting for a response.

"U-Uh h-hi! I'm Louis...and u-uh I live h-here..." Louis mentally slapped his forehead. Of course Niall knew that already! Niall blinked and then Louis blushed and stared down at his shoes, forgetting about Alex completely. Suddenly, Niall laughed. His laugh was nice and Louis liked it. He blushed more and looked up in surprise. He didn't expect that reaction from Niall.

"You're cute!" Niall beamed. Louis flushed.

"S-So are y-you!" Louis said all too eagerly. He blushed again and wow, he really did blush a lot. Niall laughed happily.

"Why thank you!" Louis smiled shyly.

"You're welcome..." He fiddled with the end of his shirt.

A thought suddenly came to mind. How did Niall get through the gates? He needed the code. Louis' skin paled a little and he slowly looked up at Niall.


"Yes?" Niall answered brightly.

"How did you get through the gate? They were locked and you need a code." Niall didn't reply. His features never faltered, but his expression became blank.

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